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I Wish I Wish I Wish I Wish I Wish I Wish I Wish I Wish I Wish

I wish I could go back in time and not accept this job I have now, because it’s giving me nothing but anxiety. And I can’t quit it now because it’s full time and I haven’t found another job yet. In this day in age, it’s tough to find a job you actually love and enjoy going to. Of course, life can’t be that simple all the time.
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SoFine · 46-50, F
To be with those life choice, is to choose it while you are in it.
While your in this job, you can still be in a state of content till the next one comes along, To find ways that can enhance the situation or you are stuck with your interpretation, stuck and stagnant.

In each moment we can choose the moment as it is. ....or fight and be a victim of our been a victim of a choice. Their maybe a life lesson here that you miss, then the universe will repeat till you "get it"...

In each moment we choose. ...then choose this job till a better one comes. .
UserNameSW · 46-50, M
Keep looking for a better one.
PoisonLace · 41-45, F
@UserNameSW trying, however, it is tough to find a permanent job during the holidays.
what's wrong with the job?
PoisonLace · 41-45, F
@dirge nasty angry customers and the ongoing problems that come with technical, the client I’m working for is open 24/7 365 days, and they don’t always grant requests off. On top of that, we get penalized for the stupidest things (i.e being 1 minute late gets half an occurrence where 4 whole occurrences get you fired). And they also penalize you if you don’t make a sales pitch on every single call no matter how mean or angry the customer is...and this is not what I signed up for. I’m technical support, not sales...but we still have to pitch. There’s more, but I’m not going to explain everything. The only things keeping me are the benefits, 401k, pto(once I’ve accrued it), and pay. Other than that, I hope to take the experience I have from it and possibly get accepted somewhere else that is less stressful.

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