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I Want To Get Really Fat

One Day I Will Be Obese... Ive always had the thought of becoming fat, not just fat but obese, in the back of my mind ever since I saw some kids TV show (I forget the name) where one of the main characters gets fattened until they became obese, and recently this desire has begun to take over me. Unfortunately, the timing is completely wrong to become obese as I have a year of university left. However, I have found a route to earn money from home, (I only need to get better at it within the next year so I can earn enough money to support my ever expanding waistline) and then I will be able to sit at home all day stuffing my face and the pounds will pile on! If people could give me tips on fattening even quicker that would be absolutely amazing!
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This is from personal experience, if you reall want to pile on the pounds try this, this is from an old friend who is a dietician and who I conned into doing a sort of reverse diet/lifestyle for me firstly eat all the wrong foods like creams,fatty meats, loads of fried stuff like chips etc and don't forget the really important part booze can play in piling on the pounds ! now here's the best bit, to reallyscrew up your metabolism so most of what you eat is stored as fat you need to do all the above but at the WRONG times, have a really gut-busting meal and loadsa booze just before you go to bed, don't exercise,sleep late, gawp at the tv all day do nothing active and if you can go most of the day with nothing to eat then near bed time have a really huge meal, what this does is put your body into starvation mode i.e. it dosent know when you'll next eat so it stores virtually everything as lovely fat,trust me this works I gained 28 lbs in 6weeks ! but be warned once you slow your metabolism to a virual crawl (like I have) then it's almost impossible to return it to normal again at least not without an insane amount of effort ( which I have no intention of trying) so this is not for the feint hearted or the "passing fad "type of person , let me know how you get on.
How much do you weigh?
Just shy of 300lbs hon and getting bigger and better by the day.
Overstuff your belly every chance you get!
If you have to someone to rely on, entirely giving up mobility does wonders. (Or so I hear)
you wish to look for the actual guidance of this tanner in a matter of, they can help you attempt to help to make rawhide clean cloth, although you will need to provide dollars.
Buy corn syrup and place it on all food you eat. You may want to reconsider this goal, it will lead to major health problems and early death.
Omg I have an idea for a backyardigans episode where Austin gets fattened up. What should it be called though?

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