I have been getting my hair permed on a regular basis since I was aged 16, I even spent my birthday money from my grandparents who were living in England at the time, on my first perm and I loved being in perm rods so much that I still have my hair permed every 4 months some 30 years later and now I even have the courage to follow up my perm with a traditional roller set which I adore.

I'm very confused by this post, "I'm letting my hair grow up! "
How does someone let their hair grow up??
BTW a 'bob' is a very short hair style - and far from heavy. "Wake up."
How does someone let their hair grow up??
BTW a 'bob' is a very short hair style - and far from heavy. "Wake up."

I've done exactly what you are thinking about and I love my look (and feel).

I fully intend to go the perm and set routine in around four weeks time much to the disapointment of a female friend of mine, she hates it but as I have told her that I love it. so much so that she calls me agnus as in Mrs Brown from mrs browns boys. but if that's the worst I get, so be it.

I found that when you have your new "do", guys will say nothing and girls will comment - usually positively.