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K10vvn · 31-35, M
Sry, I'm not being clear. Getting diagnosed with bpd is fairly normal and should be done. It's good u got second oppinions.
But getting that disorder identified is an early step to correcting chemical imballances.
The reasons for having illness of any of those four is usually tied to anothet, more specific mental illness.
Think about it like a car that won't start. Ok well its a problem with the electrical. Now u have to figure out where on that line the broken piece is.
But getting that disorder identified is an early step to correcting chemical imballances.
The reasons for having illness of any of those four is usually tied to anothet, more specific mental illness.
Think about it like a car that won't start. Ok well its a problem with the electrical. Now u have to figure out where on that line the broken piece is.
You are a pool of emotions. That you can call upon at any time. That is amazing. Love instead of like, be angry instead of annoyed, if that is what you feel, then that is what you will feel. Don't think what you are feeling is not normal, or over the top, because you don't need to also feel guilt while these emotions course through your being. You are a beautiful being, who feels things intensely. So feel it. Explore it. And one day, you will be a sea of emotions, choosing what to feel, one emotion at a time.
K10vvn · 31-35, M
There is a lot a truth to that...
I always think wisdom is being able to see the ininite complexity, infinite magnitude, and infinite detail that exists around us and find the most impactful points of life.
For example:
Chernies comment strikes me with a great deal of truth. There r two methods of treatment for mental.illness... medication and working on fixing the errors in thinking.
I don't think.anyone is witout anxiety, depression, or bipolar in their lives. It's weather or not those factors are too strong to overcome.
When we cannot control them and they r warming our lives, we need treatment... medication is often given and people.often don't work on the issues.
By learning self controlling when we t maturing, we give a second form of treatment to ourselves.
One method or another isn't wrong... they r vested used together.
Knowing the complexity of therapy and mental illness gives u a better sense of wisdom on treatment and self improvement.
I always think wisdom is being able to see the ininite complexity, infinite magnitude, and infinite detail that exists around us and find the most impactful points of life.
For example:
Chernies comment strikes me with a great deal of truth. There r two methods of treatment for mental.illness... medication and working on fixing the errors in thinking.
I don't think.anyone is witout anxiety, depression, or bipolar in their lives. It's weather or not those factors are too strong to overcome.
When we cannot control them and they r warming our lives, we need treatment... medication is often given and people.often don't work on the issues.
By learning self controlling when we t maturing, we give a second form of treatment to ourselves.
One method or another isn't wrong... they r vested used together.
Knowing the complexity of therapy and mental illness gives u a better sense of wisdom on treatment and self improvement.
K10vvn · 31-35, M
Ur reasoning always strikes me as overwhelmingly powerful tree.
Me and u red herring when we discuss these things, but ur tangents always r brilliant.
So obviously that's anxiety... u didn't give up when the first diagnosis of anxiety was faulty.
U understood u have a problem and just because one flawed doctor or therapist didnt get the treatment right at first didn't scare u away...
Because .. well.. we don't live for ourselves do we? We fight through discomfort and misery to not only make ourselves better.. but to give a better life to the people around us...
Mmm mmm mmm tree...
Me and u red herring when we discuss these things, but ur tangents always r brilliant.
So obviously that's anxiety... u didn't give up when the first diagnosis of anxiety was faulty.
U understood u have a problem and just because one flawed doctor or therapist didnt get the treatment right at first didn't scare u away...
Because .. well.. we don't live for ourselves do we? We fight through discomfort and misery to not only make ourselves better.. but to give a better life to the people around us...
Mmm mmm mmm tree...
IamDave · 61-69, M
I have suffered with pretty bad depression my whole life. I still wonder how I got through my teen years. Been diagnosed, been medicated, got off the medications because they changed who I was. My dad killed himself because of depression when I was 16. My life has been hell because of depression and feelings of worthlessness.
Even recently I have had these feelings, but I know, for myself, doctors and western, pharmaceutical medications don't work. I have found other answers that help and I feel like I am making progress - one day at a time! 🙂
Even recently I have had these feelings, but I know, for myself, doctors and western, pharmaceutical medications don't work. I have found other answers that help and I feel like I am making progress - one day at a time! 🙂
Pretzel · 61-69, M
and you may find the medication cuts off the intense positive emotions - and you'll be tempted to quit - but remember it cuts off the lows as well
Pretzel · 61-69, M
and from what I've heard you can't only take them when you're down - you can cycle and crash before the drugs can work - I've heard people describe it as being more peaceful.
K10vvn · 31-35, M
Ty for the comment tree, I'm honestly an empty echo chamber... I only play back the voices of people wiser then me. ..:/
Serenitree · F
I have used both,medication and therapy. The wrong medication put me in hospital for four months. But therapy alone wasn't working because I have a chemical imbalance and a hormonal problem. My adrenal gland malfunctions, putting me into panic mode (fight or flight)
When there isn't any reason for panic.
None of this has its roots in me self medicating because I have never done so. But I never stopped looking for help, because my kids deserved a sane mom.
When there isn't any reason for panic.
None of this has its roots in me self medicating because I have never done so. But I never stopped looking for help, because my kids deserved a sane mom.
Serenitree · F
Extremes can be exhausting. Also, in some cases, dangerous. Is this an ongoing state of being for you? Or is this just something that you experience occasionally?
If it IS on going, it could be a hormonal imbalance of some kind.
I am not a doctor, nor even an informed lay person. But it sounds like you will burn out at an early age if you don't get some emotional balance. A little mediocrity is restful.
If it IS on going, it could be a hormonal imbalance of some kind.
I am not a doctor, nor even an informed lay person. But it sounds like you will burn out at an early age if you don't get some emotional balance. A little mediocrity is restful.
Melissamolly · 31-35, F
Thank you for sharing :) yeah it sounds as if it's a good thing but it's definitely not to us!! Especially the bad emotions, yeah me too!! Sometimes I feel nothing at all and that's still bad! It's just like I'm expressionless :/ when I'm like that nothing makes me happy or sad, I just feel numb. yeah definitely! We don't choose to have this, awww thanks you! You're not alone either :)
K10vvn · 31-35, M
And just because we don't understand everything 100% is not a reason to not trust the best knowledge we have so far. We admit the limits of our knowledge and where we r ignorant. No one has all the answers... that shouldn't stop u from trying to get well
GlitzandGlamber · 26-30, F
Ohhh my goodnessness! I am the exact. Same. Way!!! Ahhh like... It sounds all great and fun and games and coolness until you have it lol. Its entertaining and interesting to others, but it can be torture when you are like this. For me, I tend to feel too much or nothing at all. And I'm not sure which is worse - drowning beneath the waves of emotion, or dying from the thirst.
There's not a lot of grey middle area... Nor a lot of sanity either for that matter. Haha. It's like everything is turned up too loud! You deff don't pick intensity, it picks you!
You are not alone! :)
There's not a lot of grey middle area... Nor a lot of sanity either for that matter. Haha. It's like everything is turned up too loud! You deff don't pick intensity, it picks you!
You are not alone! :)
K10vvn · 31-35, M
Its not voice in my head its the words from books or elsewhere... not neighbors... teachers for me...
We all have what feels as external impulses on our thinking that are actually internal... I don't know how to explain that or what it all means..
We all have what feels as external impulses on our thinking that are actually internal... I don't know how to explain that or what it all means..
Serenitree · F
K10wn. You are wise.

I'm sure you have the support from your doctor's.Take what advice they give you,and I wish for specific help in this field to help you live your life.One day at a time,live for this moment in time x
Melissamolly · 31-35, F
Yeah that's what I'm worried about if I were to take them, I don't want to feel completely blunted :/ but the good thing is taking away the bad emotions, sometimes I'd give anything to take it away
Serenitree · F
K10wn, someone much smarter than I am said wisdom lies in hearing and recognizing truth and sharing it. Intelligence is knowing what information you need and looking for it.
Stupidity lies in hearing the truth and being shown how to find information and refusing both because ignorance is easier.
Stupidity lies in hearing the truth and being shown how to find information and refusing both because ignorance is easier.
multiplex · 31-35, M
I have those symptoms too and it may be that I got BPD but I've never gone through diagnosis so this is just self diagnosed.
K10vvn · 31-35, M
Bpd, anxiety, depression, adhd, these r usually symptoms of a larger problem.
Serenitree · F
Autocorrect once told my daughter *ichthyosaurus afternoon* her response was *okay, whatever! what time afternoon* she knew it was autocorrect who said such nonsense.
multiplex · 31-35, M
Nowadays I have more control but emotions are still an issue with me
Melissamolly · 31-35, F
Very true, I will keep trying :) thank you
Melissamolly · 31-35, F
Thank you so much voice-of-melancholy :) that means a lot :)
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Melissamolly · 31-35, F
Yeah I've heard that too :/
nevergiveup · M
and why do you think you have these feelings is your life good or bad
Melissamolly · 31-35, F
Yeah I do :) thank you, I try :) x
Serenitree · F
@IamDave. You're right. "they" don't understand as much as they want us to believe. The medications they push aren't always right. But, unless you have had a serious mental/emotional disorder, you can't understand how we need to keep trying to find something to give us some balance. The hell I put my family through before I was finally diagnosed and medicated was horrific. And it tore me up inside even as I was doing it and unable to stop myself. I saw the pain I was causing and couldn't help it.

Sometimes it's down to maturity ....
Picklebobble · 56-60, M
Sounds potentially Bi-polar.
Pretzel · 61-69, M
IamDave · 61-69, M
I don't put much stock into what psychiatrists diagnose. I tend to believe they project onto others what they are going through. And I certainly don't trust the so-called medications they want to push into us ...
IamDave · 61-69, M
@k10vvn sometime I play back the voices in my head - or as I like to refer to them - my neighbors. I just don't listen to them that closely.
K10vvn · 31-35, M
I hate autocorrect most days... brokens screen and missed keys... I swear I can spell words!!! *drools a little*

Sometimes it's down to knowing how to control these intense feelings ...self control
K10vvn · 31-35, M
Pick a therapist, and accept he is a flawed human... keep going to one long term even when u start to get sick of him... building a long term relationship with a therapist is the best way
Melissamolly · 31-35, F
I know what you mean, yeah I will look into what can be done
Melissamolly · 31-35, F
Yes it's like this for me all the time, I've been diagnosed with bpd
Pretzel · 61-69, M
@serenitree - without my antidepressant I am an angry and hurtful bastard - I used to self-medicate in the 70s - but this is much more useful.
IamDave · 61-69, M
Ahh, the expressions of youth!
Pretzel · 61-69, M
hang in there sweetie

Just sounds to be like you're just very emotional * shrugs*
Melissamolly · 31-35, F
I will do that, thank you :)
Melissamolly · 31-35, F
Thank you
K10vvn · 31-35, M
IamDave · 61-69, M
They do not understand the mind as much as they would have us believe
Melissamolly · 31-35, F
It's ok :)
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