bahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha*runs through the crowd of sw, flipping everyone off, and slapping people at random*
*watches people follow an anerexic standard of beauty** watches eveyone dye their hair blond and shove in fake contacts* * runs head first into concrete wall* * listen to the same people talk about being indivuals and unique* the things i see in life make me choke by surprise... u wonder y my heart... See More »
*drags corpse out.of.graveyard *GUYS! LOOK WHAT I FOUND! *states cutting into dead body * Ohhhh it doesn't bleed right... well that's no fun...
*jumps on random car in ur city like trampoline**sing songs* uuuu caaaant kiiiiill meeeeew iiiiiim aaaaaalllreaaaaaddyyyyyt deeweaaaadd.... uuuuuu caaaaant kiiiiiiill meeeeeee iiiiiiim aaaaaaaaallreeeaaaadfy deeeweaaaaad... bahahahahhahahahahahhaahahah *runs away into night -
*walks up to liquor store*-throws brick through window then uses the door* *grabs bottle of dr proper and jumps through broken window * God damn its hard work stealing shit these days.
*pops up on ur local restaurant*. Hi, id like one table for a dine and dash..... whatz ur wait time??? Bahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahaha
LIVES DONT MATTER!!! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA * fires iff ar15's into the air in true American fashion"Bahahahahahahahahahahahahah
*walks up toward u from around the cornerBahahahahahahahahahhahahagagagaagahaha *hands you balloob animals and runs away * *pushes button* Damn it damn it damn ir!!!!! IT DIDNT EXOPLODE!!!
I Miss YouSimilar worlds is a badass place to b... I'm happy to know this community. .. keep it strong u bunch if weirdos.. oh hey, and remember, jessa, she LOVES justin bieber... she cant get enough of him.
I Think Demons Are FaggotsI mean, why else would they want to to all up in ur ass??... possessing u n shit
I Have a Suggestion for Similar WorldsWhat does "vip membership" mean? And are u going to try to force me to pay for this?
I Wish Cats Weren't So MurderousI mean what do u do with dead birds? Throw em in the street? Let em rot in the back? Trash? Bury them and have a proper funeral and uelogy? I'm just not equipped to make these decisions....
I Perform Random Acts of WeirdnessSo I remembered a fact about myself the other day when I was talking a out my first car.. when I was 16-18 I was on acid almost every other day so I my memory of those days is kinda weird. In jr. High, our music class gave us mime lessons.... See More »
I Trip Over Things And Then Turn Around And Glare At ThemI also punish those things by kicking or throwing them like they intended to do it. Assholes...