Bratt · F
Joined a Gavel Club at the college I attend. Has helped build my confidence in this regard ten fold.
HannibalMontanimal · 26-30, M
Zero confidence but I'm good at winging it. My supervisor always makes me translate for all the Spanish workers at our job when we have meetings since I'm the only one who is bilingual and it's always nerve wrecking but I guess it gets easier every time I do it
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
I never find it easy, whatever the event.
But i can say I've learned that being well prepared makes the whole thing go a lot more smoothly.
But i can say I've learned that being well prepared makes the whole thing go a lot more smoothly.
JoePourMan · 61-69, M
Totally comfortable, something I've done for years
newgirl · 56-60, F
I don't like it. But the more you do it, the easier it becomes.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
I'm pretty good at public speaking.
NorthernRoses · 26-30, F
politoluto · 31-35, M
@NorthernRoses interesting.
Teachocolate · 51-55, F
I don’t feel comfortable but if I have to do it then I need time to practise.I went to culinary arts school and we have to talk in front of the class.I practised for hours before talking the next day 😂
Ian123 · 61-69, M
I used to do PowerPoint presentations for a charity for a few years, perhaps not a large group, about 20 😀

It annoys me to have to. (Gotta project my voice, and I'm soft-spoken)
65Roses · 26-30, F
I have the same exact problem
I have the same exact problem

@65Roses Practically shouting and people still can't hear you?
MrAverage1965 · 61-69, M
I used to hate doing this but then my pituitary gland failed which means I no longer have chemicals coursing through my body when I find myself in a stressful situation. Now I am fine with it, no nerves at all.
Bigmusicloverfan1 · 41-45, F
Not very comfortable I have done afew times but my voice maybe a little shaky and my hands shaking
exexec · 70-79, C
I've had to do it many times, so I'm comfortable doing it.

Nerve racking 😬. The more you know in advance Of the upcoming event ,the worse the stress ....
summersong · F
I do surprisingly well for how shy I am.
Not at all i totally hated it at college. Id hear my voice & go into mild panic.
politoluto · 31-35, M
People say I'm a little too confident because I'd do the douchiest thing and laugh hard around 100's of people if I simply felt like it. Maybe I'm crazy though 🤔

0% сomfortable. Passing Public Speaking class in collage was a nightmare, just like every speech---- a damn torture. I have terrible anxiety when it comes to that ...glad its over. Would never ever put myself through that
SkeetSkeet · 100+, F
Lol I'll cry.
ImperialAerosolKidFromEP · 51-55, M
Poorly. Funny how that only happened later in life
Justenjoyit · 61-69, M
I have to for my work sometimes

I'm not crazy about it but it's not really a problem for me.