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I Do Not Get Why Sexual Women Are Judged

I do not get why sexual woman are judged so much. Yes we like sex, that does not make us a bad people. I don't get it, men can be sexual beings and no one bats a fucking eye, but god forbid a woman is a sexual being and enjoys talking about sex, having sex, enjoying sex we are suddenly sluts and hoes. I just don't fucking understand it.
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Miram · 31-35, F
I lived in both worlds, and men do NOT get judged for their sexual activity as much as women do.That's why in societies where there is less liberalism and mobs rule you will find that women are stoned to death for having sex while men aren't. As if women are having it alone.

Societies are designed around a hierarchy of power. The sexual power of women is a threat to that hierarchy. I don't think just men are at the top of it, women who deem themselves as less attractive can also feel threatened by it. It has to be controlled to the degree that it benefits others rather than yourself. And that's why they judge it.

A woman that is sexually liberated , leading an ordinary and even successful life, is proof that you can do well as an outcast. That is why she'll be targeted.
Seewhoitis · 56-60, M
@Miram I agree women get judged a lot more than men.
SammyJo · 51-55, F
Hmmmmm...can I just say that, with the exception of the men (generally) PM'ing me and asking for a blowjob or a fuck (without even saying 'Hi !', I mean...manners?!?! Lol!), the majority of men on SW do treat me with the respect I deserve...

I'm a very sexual being. I write about it a fair amount. It's my life...

...and thank you all for not moaning, in a non-sexual way, about what I write.

Thank you.


SJD xx
ExtremeNext · 36-40
I don't like it either I was with this guy once and forgot I invited his dad over at the same time, the things they called me 😔
I think you are generalizing.
Men are called prevs. Older men are called "dirty old men".
I think that also with men and also with women it depends on how , when , what , and with who.
Seewhoitis · 56-60, M
kentex35 · 100+, M
I agree. I try not to judge but if women are sexual on their own and not because they are whimpy. Because they know what they want and aren't embarrassed to express that. They pick a lover and for mutual satisfaction not just love is outstanding. I don't approve of men that grab women's personal without permission or to make themselves look big.
But hey I'm special lol special ed you may think....
HannahSky · F
Men get judged for being sexual all the time. They get called players, fuck boys, sluts, creeps, perverts, wankers, dogs, manwhores, etc.

Fact is, if you're having sex, odds are you're having a good life and should just suck it up and roll with the punches haha
Seewhoitis · 56-60, M
@Qwerty14 Great answer 😊
This is bugs me too 😔 but then again like 90% of guys are pigs so 🤷‍♀️
CheshireCatalyst · 41-45, M
It's the influence the negative parts of religion have had on the world. All those patriarchal fucks writing their version of a perfect world 2,000 years ago and it's still how we live today.
@CheshireCatalyst hahahahah 🤣 🤣 🤣
@CheshireCatalyst did you try plugging it in? 😄
CheshireCatalyst · 41-45, M
@OogieBoogie in, out, in, out, nothing seems to help!

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