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I Am Having Friendship Problems

Long ramblings about friendship...

Yesterday I told my best friend I wanted to go to a concert with him today, and he told me to let him know at what time so we could go. Today he texted me to let me know that he was going with a group of people whom he was playing volleyball with on a company sponsored event today. Amongst the group are people I don't like. Bullies and people that have caused trouble for others by lying. He asked if I was going. I asked at what time he was planning to go, read his reply, and that was it. I chose not to go but said nothing. Hoping he'd text me again asking if I was there, let me know he had arrived, or at the very least ask if I was going. But he never texted me again. I've seen how he's a completely different person around them. How he has fun with them and enjoys talking to them. How he doesn't care about the wrongs they've done and still do. He's the type that wants to be liked by everyone. And deep down I know he has a bit of a bullying side in him. I've heard him say things I disapprove of when he thinks I'm not listening. I didn't want to be in the way. That's how I felt. So I staued home. He knows how I feel about them. But that doesn't seem to matter to him. I sometimes wonder if he cares at all about how I feel. If he wonders about what I'm thinking. I like to spend time alone with him, because he's a different person, better. But which is the real him? Would he be better off without me? Would I be better off without him? I've felt myself wanting to pull away from him. But, I've stayed. For how long? Is this really friendship or are we doomed to go our separate ways? Only time will tell.
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YeuxNoirs · 31-35, F
Thank you. You honestly made me feel better and I am deeply grateful!
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i honestly would have a hard time being around someone who was rude or bullying sounds like he changes who he is based on the people he is around. if he acts like them then he is like them. ive lost friends because they chose paths that i wasnt. im not a partier or do stupid things so i lost friends because they chose that lifestyle. at least you didnt care about a person who kept lying to you. i lost a friend like that. was only a friend for a year and a half but all i got were lies. then when i confronted her she turned really cold and aholey. she was one of those girls who messed around with a lot of men so maybe my friendship with her wasnt real and she was just playing games.
YeuxNoirs · 31-35, F
Sorry to hear that. I've had to accept that sometimes things don't work out and it's best to move on. I have to believe that better things are waiting ahead. And it's definitely better to be alone than in bad company. Some people are only in our lives to teach us a lesson and then they're gone. I've learned more about myself with every experience (negative or positive) in my life. So I'm grateful for it.
ABQ1952NM · 70-79, M
For myself, I wouldn't be friends with someone that hangs around with bullies. If you would ever marry your friend and then one day he becomes a bully, then what would you do? He may bully you and then you'll be sorry.
YeuxNoirs · 31-35, F
Thank you for your answer. I definitely wouldn't marry him though. I don't feel that way about him. Never have. Thanks again for your words!
ABQ1952NM · 70-79, M
@YeuxNoirs: I just don't want you to make a mistake and marry someone that hangs around're too good to be with someone like that

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