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I Stutter

Haven't been able to say my name once my entire life. Always needed someone to say it for me.

Haven't been able to hold a phone conversation with someone in 24 years.

Could never say "I love you" to anybody that I actually did love (and lost many partners because of it).

As if the psychological trauma isn't bad enough, most people don't seem to understand the steps a stutterer needs to take in order to speak properly. Finishing my sentences doesn't help, it irritates me. Telling me to "slow down" is probably going to make me stop trying altogether. And for the extra special ones who just downright laugh, I'd love nothing more than to see you die a slow agonizing death (I'd bring popcorn). :-)

It's not the worst malady out there, but it definitely breeds a certain distaste for social engagements... and people in general. In fact, I avoid both of them altogether. For a species that preaches such understanding and love for each other, I've found that most have difficulty understanding even the simplest afflictions others possess.
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Fatjosh69 · 36-40, M
I'm sorry that you have such a difficult obstacle in your life:( It seems that people have things that are taboo to make fun of and other things that are open season. Thank you for your tips on not finishing sentences and saying take your time. I wish you all the best in life :)
Hugs, I have a friend from school that stuttered, but she could sing beautifully with no hesitation.

Have you thought about speech therapy?
Visaic · 31-35, M
I tried it when I was younger, but they didn't do anything that wasn't already in my books. Seemed like a waste of money. Besides, stutterers talking to each other is painfully irritating even when you both know it can't be helped.
Try again, what do you have to lose?
Visaic · 31-35, M
My money. I'd rather not pay someone to tell me what I already know and have spent the past 20 years studying. :P Besides, at this point in my life I don't really have any desire to be around people. Perks of not being able to speak is that you get to listen a lot. After a while people become quite predictable.
SteelHands · 61-69, M
You don't have so bad an obstacle in life. You can write and seem regular enough. Mostly talking to people is just futile anyway. You assume they're really listening. Like you are. Wrong. 95% of the time they're just waiting for their chance to talk next. Far as people mocking you I get it. People that do that are skin wrapped shit. They make fun of anything. Anything. Scars, age, a you itched your face. Get comfortable with it. We live in what's basically a zoo with some of the most prestigious apes you ever knew. Just sayin you aren't obliged to speak to (figurately speaking) poop throwers. There might be an entire planet full of stutterers in the universe. Then the ones who don't stutter are the odd ones. Think about that. There might be an entire planet that sees shorter people as superior rather than the tall ones. Point is, your adversaries are too inferior to have thinking minds. They would never know themselves as well as you know you. That's their disability. Just thought I should tell you so. Have a good day.
Visaic · 31-35, M
Hypotheticals do little to ease the mind of a pessimist, but I appreciate the effort. Also, don't insult zoo's like that... at least the animals there are interesting to look at.
SteelHands · 61-69, M
Of course I already knew you are a nonstop pessimist because I form snap judgements about people as soon as they voice anything that isn't uplifting. I wasn't trying to ease your mind. I was just imagining how a world would be like if everyone stuttered. The charge command of the light brigade. Maybe they would have given up. Some sports and games would be more interesting. Just a thought exercise. I wasn't insulting zoos so much as the zooish nature of life. Most all of us living as if we were more than a manure factory but who knows if we are or not. Especially the ones who live in the bigger cages. Irony. They know for sure that's all they and us are. Fukineh.

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