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I Want to Ask Out a Girl I Like

There is a girl in my band class, that I got to know really well last school year. During the school year we got to become really good friends if not best friends. During second semester we ate lunch together. As we became better friends I developed feelings for her. As the end of the school year ended I kept trying to tell her how I felt, but was always too nervous, and by the time I settled my nerves, we were already at her class. I kept dropping hints and I am pretty sure she likes me, but idk. The closest I got to telling her was asking for a hug. She was a little surprised when I asked and had to get to class, however, on the way to 4th period she gave me a hug, it was a kind awkward sideways hug, but it felt good.

I never actually got the chance to tell her how I feel. Also, I never got a way to contact her over the summer. We have not talked or seen each other all summer. Now that the new school year is approaching, I am beginning to worry about what to do. I want to stay good friends, and make sure we are still really close, but I also want her to know how I feel and to know how she feels.

Does anybody have any advice? It would be appreciated. Feel free to message me or comment here. :)
Be classy my friend. Don't just 'ask her out'. Walk up to her like a man, take her hands in yours, look her dead in the eye with a smile and tell her you've always liked her and how wonderful you think she is. And then tell her you want to be more than friends.And then don't ask her out on a date. Don't say "Will you go out with me?" Say "I want to be more than friends. Be my girlfriend, [insert name here]!"

Be boss-like! And if she says no, don't wuss out. Take it like a man!
Look man. Just go in for it and make sure you are the best you can be and give it your all. Even if she says no, don't walk away with regrets.
marchdan · 22-25, M
Okay man! Good luck! I'm out. I think you got this. You're on your own beyond this point. Do us proud!
Since she's a good friend of yours, that could give you more time spending it with her alone. I know it's tough cause you're afraid of losing the friendship bond you two have. If she cares for you that much, she would understand and she'll speak from the heart of what she feels towards you. The new school year always brings changes, good or bad. Maybe now, you can come in to school all chill and tell her with confidence. Liking someone is very difficult to express it lol
marchdan · 22-25, M
Yeah. But it will be hard to hang out outside if school. I know how she feels for me as a friend but I don't know if she likes me as more.
I understand. Just try
marchdan · 22-25, M
Ok :)
If you are going to tell her please, but please don't do it by texting her
marchdan · 22-25, M
I would never
Ok I'm glad to hear that
marchdan · 22-25, M
ok since you are close friend then i you a chance feel free and tell her if you feel you cant then write a letter to her ...but try not be to nervous (: hope it helps
Tell her :)
marchdan · 22-25, M
I was trying to, but I always got too nervous just before doing it. :/

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