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I Can Write Words Better Than I Can Speak Them

If Only I Were Inside Out..... I could think things out so perfectly in my mind that it's upsetting that it's the opposite aloud. My tongue mixes and scrambles my thoughts whenever I try to produce them. Speak slower? I do. I try to think less, but that's impossible. My handwriting isn't too neat since I have so many thoughts that I want to jott down all at once. Maybe it's the same with my brain? But I've seen people with adhd who speak perfectly. Anyone else feel that their physical body and their mental body never really connected as expected? I mean, i feel like an outgoing introvert. If I could, I'd share my thoughts. Sometimes my brain will react so quickly but my speech is still lost for words.
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I liked Indie's response better, as it is behavioural, as opposed to pharmaceutical. I like that idea. It does not produce quick results, but it does produce the only real results. With Medicines, once you stop taking them, you are back in the hole again, often worse for having felt better, but weren't healed, so even going back to start feels like going back to, so what's your problem?

What Indie suggested requires you to take an active, personal, and deliberate part in your therapy. Class work is as good as the teacher, and only prepares you for the home work. That's where the real learning takes place. If there is no love for the learning, the learning will be sparse, indeed.

When it's a health issue, if the patient doesn't have a will to live, then what has been saved by the expensive miracle medicines?

Being a child of the Millennium, I find that too much of my life is made moderately better Pharmacologically, rather than Actually. Being Actually better will always require great personal effort on my part.
So my suggestion for "speaking to your doctor, they have a pill for that," is demonstrably weaker than Indie's suggestion that you get help, and learn how overcome your issue.
This from an ADHD, dyslexic student. I have been taking Ritalin as long as I can remember. A druggie at six years old. Always ADHD, it wasn't discovered that I was dyslexic until fourth grade. I couldn't apPEAR to pay attention, "the fluorescent lights are flickering.".
"The lights are not flickering, Pubér, just pay attention."
"Yes ma'am. I gotta get up, and do ... somat. Okay. Please?"
"No, Pubér, sit down, and be quiet."
"Yes, ma'am, but it's the, ..''
"Pubér! Be still!"
"Could we go back to quiet? I never can do still..."
"Go to the Headmaster!"

@the doctor's office: "Son, what you need is Ritalin. It'll change the way you do bidnus." I had no idea what bidnus was.
I have been taking the pills for ten years. I am eighteen, about to be Sophomore at university, have not entered puberty, am a whole year later than my da, am still ADHD, and still waiting for growth spurt, that would arrive about the same time as aforementioned puberty.
If I go off the meds, will I be able to function in a manner acceptable to me, and society at large. What if, off the meds that I've been taking most of my life, I am some kind of sociopath, like my brother (just a younger brother's opinion. Doesn't mean it's wrong, just because it's biased. Just a younger brothers opinion. That's all. Don't hit. I'll be GOOD!)
I mean, what if I stop the meds, and become.e somatic bad? It's a scary proposition, especially coming from my position.

On the whole, I am inclined to accede to Indie's idea of behavioural modifications, as opposed to wonder drugs that take all the wonder outta growing up.
I am 4'4", 65pounds, still waiting to cross the start line, of eighteen year old speaking. I am going for classes, and work, and make it happen. But I think the "focus meds," and man up, cuz it's the real world out there. Not that it's been treasure island in here. But someone's gotta take control. If it's NOT me, ... Who is it going to be?
Don't worry about that. It's challenging, but you can learn to speak more like your thoughts. Just takes time. There is a different pathway in your brain for both writing and speech. You might need some speech therapy but you should talk to your parents and your doctor to see if it's really an issue, too.
Otherwise, type more. Or learn shorthand so you can keep up better with your thoughts. Work on talking things out with a friend or someone you can trust.

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