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so yeah no cap.. this actually happened

I got possessed by an evil spirit. Not sure if it was a demon or just a evil spirit. It all started when I was 11. My cousin was teaching me how to speak Lucumí. It's the language of Santeria and of our heritage. Only spoken in Cuba, Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico. It's a mixture of African and Spanish. Although, majority of my family are ultra-Christians. We still have some that are into African traditions. We tried bringing out a spirit and end up being one with bad intentions. We learned that someone did a curse on our family. So my cousin reserved the curse. The spirit even gave us the full name of the person. She was a young white woman about in her 20's. As time went by, I saw her health completely go south. This young woman ended up getting two type of cancers. Blood/bone marrow and skin cancer. Within like a year, i heard she died. I felt so bad and I asked my cousin what did he actually do. He said he just reversed the curse but something told me otherwise.Telling me it was her fault, she should had prayed to jesus. Within time, he also became sick. He now has a rare autoimmune disease that attacks his body and tissue. Could be karma. It wasn't until i was around 15 when i became at my weakest emotional and spiritually. I lost my grandpa. We suspect that his new wife killed him by making him diabetic but we couldn't prove anything. She took majority of what supposed to be for us. Leaving my aunt almost homeless. I got into a rage and that spirit returned again. Telling me, we can avenge my grandpa. That im stronger with it and not without it. So I let it back into my life with a ritual on Halloween. It was then when I changed. I lost myself and who I was. My personality did a 180. My room was always cold. I became violent. Started getting into fights and chasing people with knives. Luckily, I never hurt anybody too bad. Just a few fist fights. People would say that I smelled like sulfur at times. I started regretting what i did. So i tried getting into religion but every time i would go to a church or temple. I couldn't breathe. It felt like something was choking me. Years of fighting the urge of killing people. I eventually found an exorcist and healing spiritual group. Told them to do one on me. Explained what i was going through and they agreed. During the exorcism, I felt like killing the person and causing them harm. Eventually, i just lost control of my body. It felt weird because I closed my eyes and my body started moving on it's own. I would try to make my body move one way but it wouldn't listen. It did what it wanted. I felt so powerless. I had to have about 9 people hold me down. People we were saying I was speaking in another language. Not Spanish, English nor Lucumí. I remember screaming a blood curdling scream. I don't remember what happened afterwards that day. I just remember waking up. I finally got back to being myself. I was normal again, goofy and cracking jokes.I still get harassed by that spirit. Through people and random phone calls at the middle of the night with no caller ID. That if I pick up, something would laugh at the other end. However, I'm not scared though because i know im protected.
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cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
I believe you. Saw what happened to my sister when she was a 3rd grader and playing with a Ouija board with my other sister and an older cousin…she was sleepwalking at night and wetting her pants day and night and never had a problem with either before that. About a week after they stopped playing with that Ouija game it stopped. We shouldn’t be messing with things that we don’t understand. Demons are real. Some believe that they are the spirits of dead Nephilim and are wandering the earth trying to take over our bodies.
th3r0n · 41-45, M
Only Jesus can save us, the power of God goes beyond all things

These demons and Santeria are real, but God is greater
How do you think your grandfather’s wife made him a diabetic?

The only way one can combat evil is through the power of the Lord Jesus Christ! And it works! However once possessed, one can’t free themselves but only another Christian casting it out,

Interesting story. Thanks for posting,

If that spirit comes at you again, submit your self to God and plead the blood of Jesus!!

Never play around with darkness! It will overtake you,
Redstar · 36-40, M
This may seem like an evil spirit but it's far from it. Tacobell, this thing you believed has possessed you, is actually a powerful vision created by your own life energy. This vision will always appear standing by your side and because of that, we call it.. a Stand!
1dayiWILLbRICH0 · 31-35, F
@Redstar nope. Lol
Shiiiit- that Santeria is nada to play with. Abuelita was a pro at the hexes
@JoeyFoxx now shes got Alzheimer’s so am guessing it back fired
empanadas · 31-35, M
@BettyBeez You trolling ?🤔 I can't tell with you 🤣
@empanadas 😂 im not.
In all seriousness, abuela was not nice. She even did some questionable brujeria stuff on a few of her own children.
uncleshawn · 41-45, M
That's intense. A lot of people have had dark experiences with evil things, if only briefly, but they don't usually say anything about it.
empanadas · 31-35, M
@uncleshawn wow, glad to know im not the only one
I really enjoy reading that
Whatever you wish upon me will be revisited on thee times three. And that’s the price to be paid when dealing with unclean spirits. Ware and banish when they come tempting.
Isthisit · F
Wow thats heavy. So glad you got out of that safely!
Sublearner · 31-35, F
Hmm well hoping for better days for you.
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
this is hands down the coolest most bad ass story i have ever read in my entire life of almost 25 years.

i wonder what really happened with the girl though. whenever you do a spell whatever energy you put out has to come back on you. personally, i have done curses on people (yes.. and it was wrong ((dont even regret it)) except because i was aware of this i always made the curses very mild. i would make the person have diarrhea for a week or i would make the person have night terrors. i specifically cursed someone to have nightmares where they would be bound to a couch and a demonic claw would be reaching out pointing at them. well when some time passed and that person actually confessed to me they had been having night terrors every night and demons were attacking them in their dreams and they even vividly described the demon claw pointing at them... i start maniacally laughing. i couldn't even help or control it. i probably laughed for a good three whole minutes I couldn't stop. it was so funny and i'm not sure why.

soon though i did in fact have nightmares for the entire amount of time i cursed that person for. the nightmares became so bad i didn't even want to go to sleep anymore. i would brood all day long thinking about the nature of the nightmares. i also began having diarrhea every single day. It was so intense i started to wonder if something was actually wrong with my health. after the time passed i no longer have diarrhea anymore either.
REMsleep · 41-45, F
Wow. That story is intense. I hope that you know that there is a God. Don't play around with evil.
@REMsleep absolutely right
Recluse · 46-50, M
The hype is real.
Omfg i believe you cuz my best friends cousin got possessed cuz they were playing ouija board in a crypt
Even though much Christian tradition was derived from so-called "pagan" religions, Christian missionaries often attempted to suppress these earlier beliefs by claiming they were "demonic." Even the popular devil figure is based on a pre-Christian European deity.
😳That sounds awful and incredibly damaging. How did you initially bring the spirit out?
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Bigtwig · 36-40, M
Lmao . U need a reality check . See any trolls or big foot as well?
Nanori · F
I believe u, a lot of shit has happened to myself too :|
I have a huge anus 😐
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
are you fucking serious i missed this post
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
Ho... lee... shit.
TheMaze · 41-45
@LordShadowfire The dude experienced an entire cinematic trilogy.
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