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I Want To Talk Politics

To Megyn Kelly:

No, The Donald DOES NOT need to "change his tone". YOU are NOT his mother.

The American people continue to speak via the electoral process.

We want an American President, someone who cannot be bought. Someone who understands what it means to BE American. Someone who will close our porous borders. Who will strengthen our military, affirm our American values.

Keep your tone, Trump.
America is counting on you.
Northwest · M

"Close our borders, meaning: make then selective again, not porous"

I don't know what you mean by selective again, so I am not going to speculate. As to the "porous" part, I recall more than 20 years ago, the kids would be playing at the property we had right along the US-Canadian border. The ball would roll into Canada, and I would simply walk into Canada, pick up the ball, and then head back into the US.

Today, a fly cannot got through without setting off all sorts of alarms at the border station. Not that there's much activity these days, at least not since Washington State legalized pot.

The border is more secure these days, than it has ever been in our history. The illegal migrants issue is not new. It has always been there.

To make 100% secure would take more money than we have.

As far as deportations: the Obama administration has always under fire by liberals, for adopting an aggressive deportation policy.

"Stop over taxing the crap out of the populace"

The average person pays now less taxes than they did in the good ole days. The only difference, is that the wealthiest Americans pay 1/3 or less of what they used back when we were great. I don't need to remind you that conservatives have been in charge of both houses for the past couple of years.

"Stop the war on police"

I didn't know there was a war on police. There is a difference between asking for accountability, and a war on police.

"Stop making nice with enemies"

Enemies? Saudi Arabia? China? simple: stop buying their products, and invest in alternate energy sources. Instead of calling for the economy disadvantaged, to go back to the coal mines, where they will meet an early grave, why not invest in alternate energy sources, and give them jobs in that industry?

"Terminate Obama care"

Why? how did Obamacare hurt the country?

"Make English our nation's language"

English has never been our nation's official language. It is the defacto language. Who is forcing you to speak, or communicate in, anything other than English. If you have workers who speak Spanish only, then you should do your part, hire Americans, and pay them 3 times what you pay the Latinos. If you pull up to a drive through, and the worker on the other does not speak English, stop patronizing that establishment.

"Embrace what it means to be distinctly American"

I don't know what that means. Should I learn more about my local Native American tribe, place Dream Catchers all over the house, and work to convert my local Church/Temple into a sweat lodge?

"Strengthen our military"

We have the world's most technologically advanced military. Short of a nuclear exchange, there is no single conflict that we are not capable of winning, using our existing strength.

"Get rid of Common Core and its incestuous relationship with Sage publications"

NO comment here, and I don't know what this even means, other than: let's not have any standards for teaching our kids.

"Stop taxpayer funding of planned parenthood"

The money planned parenthood receives, cannot be used for abortions. The "misunderstanding" started out with Senator Kyle's (AZ) "hyperbole": more than 90&% of what they do is abortions. In reality, it's only 3%, the rest goes toward contraception, STDs, cancer screenings, and women's health services. Also, taxpayers money cannot be used for abortions, by law. You don't think that people should be educated about birth control and STDs?

"That's just a start"

OK, let's hear the rest.

"I'm not interested in your statistics"

Sure, let's stick with hypoerbole. It's more accurate that way.

"I've answered your question."

Thank you
Northwest · M

Two factors to blame for national security spending dropping from 4.6% of GDP to 3.3% in 2015: overall troop reductions as we pulled out of Iraq and Afghanistan, and sequestration. The latter is a bi-partisan issue.

Sequestration refers to the framework for automatic, across-the-board cuts to both military and non-military spending that were originally designed to force bipartisan negotiators in Congress to strike a deal in 2011. When negotiations fell apart, the cuts went into effect.

The former is a consequence of us not having been an occupation force.

I still don't understand the statement: "Our once great nation is crumbling from within."

I've asked before, why you think America was previously great and it no longer is. You're choosing not to respond.

If you mean that our greatness is related to the size of our military, then we are still the world's most capable military force, and we continue to prove it in conventional warfare.

"Trump is using hyperbole again with his 100% statement."

It looks like having a president, who cannot utter a sentence, without blowing things out of proportions, does not bother you. Let's put it this way. You have a job, where you're responsible for long term planning, but you expect, every morning you show up to work, to have your CEO declaring a new emergency, and wanting to divert the companies resources, based on something he heard, from a guy three positions behind him, as he was waiting for his coffee at Starbucks.

"This character in the White House will not speak against Islamic fundamentalist terrorism, therefore one may not speculate what took down that plane."

This character in the White House is our President. And, I don't understand the will not speak against Islamic fundamentalist terrorism. Just like his predecessor, George Bush, he is trying not to allow ISIL to be the spokesperson for Islam. We are not at war with Islam (although I know some want us to be), hence the distinction. This is what George Bush said as well, before we went to war.

It's laughable when you say "I'm sorry you don't understand the threat of Islamic fundamental terrorism against the West and any other sect of Islam ISIS hates."

Where did I give an indication that I do not? I'm sorry you completely missed the point I was trying to make, and that is: I don't want to see the United States turn into a Saudi Arabia.

As to your statement that the way to fight this war is through special ops, I'm sorry you don't see how this has not been the case. We only hear about it when there's a US fatality. The current administration has turned the ground war, into nearly 100% special ops, with full air and drones support. Under the present administration, the US, and on average weekly basis, has killed clandestinely, more in a week, than the entire time George Bush was President.

So, what is Trump going to do that's different?
Northwest · M
@BigAsset: It is not my intention to change people's minds. I typically participate in debates, to learn and share. I do consider our next Presidential elections to be the most critical one for the country, since 1860.

An honest, and respectful debate is also big on my agenda, and this is why I prefer empirical data, to slogans and blowing smoke up people's asses.

Some of the issues are truly personal.

Abortion: there really is no right or wrong on this, but the people have already spoken, and abortion is legal. The place to change this is the ballot box.

On immigration and terror: there's a lot of misinformation out there. The same goes for Muslim Americans. When my father's people arrived in the US, the year was 1862. They were promptly given guns and told to fight for their new country. I am glad they chose to fight on the side of ending slavery. After the war, they had to face the same stigma Muslims face today. They were Catholic, and as such, they were only tolerated, because they labored to provide what the Anglos needed.

My mother's people, as Scandinavian, were genetically OK (what with the red and blond hair and all), but they're Jews, and as Christ's killers, the Anglos treated them like we want to treat Muslims today.

On both sides of the family, my ancestors were greeted with xenophobia, accusations of wanting to take over, impose their way of life, blamed for everything from the crucifixion, monetary crisis, total world control, bad movies, etc.

I wish people would study and understand history. The way I see it, we're repeating the same mistakes. If you go through historical archives, you will see similar demands to keep our borders sealed and prevent Catholics and Jews from taking over.
Lucifer · 36-40, M
As much as I don't share your opinions on Trump himself. You are right about him not needing to change his tone. There should be someone to represent everyone. We just have to wait and see how many people agree with his view of America, and share his attitudes.
Northwest · M

"@northwest Again loose with the facts. The tax laws have changed. The deductions available to people back then have been entirely changed. Forget to mention that, or just didn't know it?"

The tax laws have changed? You don't miss anything, do you? Deductions were removed for all tax classes, not just one. So what? How's that relevant to this conversation?

"If you think 90% tax laws are going to jump start the crap economy, you're smoking something and must live in Denver."

I think that 90% tax laws will jump start the economy? where did I say that? Really, where did I say that? Also, where did I say that we live in a crap economy. Those are your words. I keep asking why people think our economy is one of the best in the world (outside of Scandinavia), but all you can do is repeat the same claim, with nothing to support it.

Do you think that China's economy is better? How do you think other countries' per capita GDP compares with the US? I will spare you the trouble:

US: $53,041
China: $6,807
India: $1,498
Russia: $14,611
Sweden: $60,430
Germany: $46,268

"I get it."

No, you don't

"You believe socialism is right for America."

I do? Where did I state that?

"I disagree."

Careful there. You first advance a straw-man, and then you disagree with it.

"You continue to feel the Bern,"

I don't even know what this statement means.

"I'll vote for the Trumpster."

Good for you. I am not saying that you should not vote for what you believe in.

"We'll see what happens."

That's all we can do.,

"But..., don't ever try to disrespect my choices."

Again, you're fabricating a position on my part, and attacking it. You should stop doing that.
Northwest · M
@BigAsset: The problem with the statement "America will be stronger", is that no one seems to know how to explain what that means. It's just a slogan at this point.

We can spend $T's in building walls, but all that's going to be, is isolate us and allow us to die peacefully. I am sorry that people don't seem to understand that if we close the doors, the rest of the world does not really need us. There isn't anything we can provide today, that's not available through Europe, China, Japan, Korea or Russia.

This is not 1940, where the non-Western world is largely uneducated, and relies on the West for technology.

As to Trump being a joke. I disagree. He is to be taken very seriously. So far, no one has been able to point to an actual plan. All I get is rhetoric. Even on this thread, his ignorance of the facts, is dismissed as simple exaggeration.
Northwest · M

"So on 13% of those sorties have acquired target."

Perhaps an explanation of how air warfare works, may be in order. Let's use some terms you may be more familiar with. How many times do you go hunting, and come home empty handed? Sometime you see a Doe and Fawns. If you're a Russian hunter, you may not care, and you can shoot them. Sometime the Buck might be in the middle of a bunch of Does and Fawns, to kill it, you would have to blow away the entire heard. We don't do that. And, about 13% of the time, you spot your target: a buck or a bunch of bucks, in a position where if you shoot them, you will not harm anything you're not supposed to harm. You take the shot.

"Not quite bombing the crap out of them."

Actually, that's exactly it. I'm sorry you don't understand how this stuff works.

"but they still survive and advance."

Some will survive, but lost more than 50% of their territory, and the only way to completely get rid of them, is through ground troops. We are not going to send ground troops. That's not going to win the war for us. We proved it by invading in the first place.

"They have advanced into Libya."

No. They have always been there. They're simply using different names now.
Northwest · M

"By taking everyone's money"

With all that making America great again, I cannot help but think that nostalgically, people may be thinking, the America of the 1950s and 1960s. That's when the a big chunk of the world was uneducated, and living in poverty. Europe was in ruins, and relied on us to recover from WWII. The Soviets were in a primitive state, and China was basically illiterate.

The top tax rate in the US was over 90%, and corporate tax rates were in the stratosphere. I wonder if those who long for those days, understand that.

Not to mention that we're not the only educated population around the world.

"NOTHING is EVER free"

I agree. Read my statement above.

"The best war is won without an all out battle
That's why black ops is my choice"

That is EXACTLY what we've been doing. We also need boots on the ground, but we're doing the right thing: we're not using our own forces, instead, we're trying to enable the locals, all the while, trying to make sure that arms, and know-how does not fall in the wrong hands.

"Not broadcasting what your going to do is helpful as well"

And that's exactly what we've been doing. Unfortunately, this means that the administration is not going to, and should not, start publishing the multi-daily, special ops actions overseas.

Years ago, during a meeting in Damascus, a few months after we invaded Iraq, the Syrian Vice-President told me "we advised you not to invade Iraq, because as much as the Iraqis want to rid themselves of Saddam, they will still prefer misery, to Americans actually doing it for them", he added "you are going to win the war, but you will lose control, Arabs will not accept an American winning, but behind the scenes, they will accept Arabs winning against Arabs". More than a decade later, this statement still holds true.
Northwest · M

Re "past marriages/divorces isn't why Trump is the "presumptive nominee" of the RNC."

I did not say they were. I was responding to your statement about how well he treats his wives.

"His off the cuff statements/descriptions of women aren't the reason he's got the popular vote. Such statements might piss off the easily offended, but oh well."

You don't have to be easily offended, to be offended if someone treats you like a piece of meat. I cannot forget the look on Chris Christie's face, and how she looked at her husband, and rolled her eyes, as Trump was making one of his off the cuff remarks about women.

"His statement "we need to stop importing Muslim refugees...."

While this is an issue, I was talking about his plan to "register" American Muslims, as well as banning all Muslims, not just refugees, from entering the US. This reminded me of the one time I visited Saudi Arabia for business, and I had to declare my religion, and I was wondering if I should enter Catholic, the religion of my father, Jewish, the religion of my mother, or Atheist, my religion. Our travel people entered Christian for me, because the other answers might have landed me on a plane back, or worse. Do I want to see the United States turn into a Saudi Arabia?

"Feel free to go after the Joseph Smith character,"

I have no desire to go after him, or after any religious figure. I was pointing out that religious text, or religious figures, are not good metrics to use when trying to determine if someone is a terrorist or not.

As to forgetting about being a private citizen in the US, do you think the plan to "register" Muslims is a good step toward helping my private citizen status?

"revitalize our once great nation"

Can you explain what this means? How were we once great, and how are we not great today?
Northwest · M

"we are not bombing the crap out of them already."

91,821 airstrikes to date, and that's just the US led coalition. Add Russia to the mix, and that number can probably be doubled.

Targets damaged/destroyed:

139 Tanks
374 HMMWVs
1,162 staging areas
5,894 Buildings
7,118 fighting positions
1,272 Oil infrastructures
6,820 Other targets

ISIL lost more than 50% of the territory it gained in Iraq, an currently, a battle for the retaking of the largest two ISIL holdings in Iraq is underway.

ISIL lost the Kurdish areas it occupied.

ISIL recently lost the largest town it held in Syria.

The strategy: enable native ground troops, and support with logistics/air support/supplies and training, is indeed working.

The remaining areas, require 100% ground troop commitment. Trump stated that he would not commit US troops. We are not doing that. The real issue are this point, is that ISIL has retreated into residential neighborhoods in the areas it controls, making it impossible to carpet bomb. So, it's going to be an urban, building to building fight, so no instant results and a long battle.

We can do what the Syrians/Assad is doing in Syria: clear ISIL out by carpet bombing an entire neighborhood, kill one ISIL operative for every 100 civilians, dig mass mass graves and bury the bodies, and call it a day. I don't think I want my tax $s going toward that effort.

"In fact, the entire effort has been feckless and weak."

There is nothing factual about this statement.

"ISIS is expanding into other countries"

Exactly, what countries?
Abrienda · 26-30, F
room101@ When you said "hate filled lair" were you referring to the woman named after Sir Edmund Hillary, whose plane "corkscrewed" into Sarajevo airport where she then ran from the plane under sniper fire? Let me know if you are referring to [image deleted]THIS liar?
Northwest · M

I have been trying to carry on a polite conversation with you. Not once did I call you closed minded. If you continue to make these false claims, the conversation will no longer be polite.

Up to this point, you have yet to state what you think "what makes our country distinctly American" means, so I don't know what you really believe, much less accuse you of being closed minded about it.

Statistics CAN be a tool for manipulators, and the example I gave clearly demonstrates that. However, without clear, unbiased empirical data, people have a tendency to do what they think is right, based ONLY on their perception. It is dangerous when that perception is not correct.
I'm in agreement with Lucifer. If there are people that disapprove of his campaign and tone...then Trump is not their candidate. Why change his tone? He could lose as much as he would gain by doing'd be pointless.
Resided · 61-69, M
@room thanks for the compliment! I do have a big stick, and proud of it! Your war facts are distorted, and your opinion about what happened means nothing to us that know what is obviously true. Obama pulled our troops from there, and caused the ripples of insurgency to flood the continent. There are no winners in a War! And yes we were alone , fighting for the freedom of the world, since all the so called allies are so slow to join because of their fear of retaliation from the evil dictators and terrorist so close to your lands. But we never had our asses handed to us you F*&^ing Idiot. You will be the first to condemn and the last to admit, but we all know you are counting on The Good Ole US of A to come through for you when you are being invaded again.

Its sad that you don't know that you don't even know what you don't know! So it is a futile endeavor to try and reason with a person like you! So enjoy your life, and go beg for some change so you can hit the bar stool with both cheek's and spew your opinions to the patron's of your library!

Never wrestle with a both get all dirty and the Pig likes it!

Oh and by the way, how is that socially aware European Union going for you guy's?

Never mind about that question, I'm sure you will get that wrong also.
Carissimi · F
@hunkalove (that's a misnomer if ever I heard one) why so mean and hateful? Can't you just discuss the issue without resorting to childish name calling?
Northwest · M
@nopc: Perception is often incorrect, when you try to evaluate individuals, nations, the global economy, etc. when you only use a statistically insignificant data set.

No, I am not a statistician, nor am I a big counter (a big laugh here). That's the problem though, with making assumptions, based on an incomplete and totally narrow viewpoint.

PS: It does not mean that I don't understand statistics, I had to based on my field of study, and chosen career, I do however understand clearly that anyone can "lie with statistics and numbers" (title of a book).

A research group for a lingerie company, concludes that bras cause caner. The numbers they received from an African country, transitioning from tribal into modern times, showed that women who started wearing bras, had higher cancer rates. What the missed: women who started wearing bras, were moving from an all-natural jungle environment with a clean living, to a city, where you need to wear a bra, and you were exposed to the pollution of your new living environment.
Northwest · M

Firstly, statistics and empirical data are two different things. It's great when statistics are based on empirical data.

I am OK taking discussing the Macro view. But, when someone says that we have not bombed the crap out of ISIL, then simply saying "yes, we did", can go on forever, and the only way to conclude it (if that can be done), is to show the actual data.

In that case, I was responding to carpediem, who tried to respond with "only 13% of the sorties hit their target", well, how is trump in office going to improve hit rate, or for that matter, the criteria used to actually pull the trigger (I don't think accuracy is the issue).

In any case, I am all for discussing ideas, and the thing that keeps coming back: "what makes our country distinctly American" and my question was: indeed, what in your opinion makes our country American?

Racial makeup?
Common Language?

If we cannot agree on what "it" is that we're arguing about, then how can anyone state that Trump is better or worse for "it".
Resided · 61-69, M
Your'e a typical ultracrepidarian @room101. You live on the other side of the pond as you blokes say, and you know nothing about American Culture, other than your own misconceived notions of what the Liberal media pumps in your ears. We escaped the Kings tyranny a few hundred years ago, and you are stuck there under British rule.
And with your views, you will be a slave to that quiet desperation you endure daily!

I'm not slinging mud! I am telling you what my opinion is. So your petty insult's have no impact!

And if you are referring to yourself as someone I should look assured I read your post. You identified yourself as the broke guy that only dreams of meeting his friends at the bar and discussing some random porn question. How sophisticated you must be. Now you apply that analytical mind of yours to hone your decisions about Donald Trump in the same manner.

"A Mind full of conclusions leaves no room for expansion"
Maybe we all need to review what makes America distinct
The Federalist Papers, Declaration of Independence come to mind.
There exist universal truths in those documents/writings that make our nation stand out.
We are not a virtuous people as we once were - however.
Maybe there will be a return to such virtue
Then we will know who we are once again
I was going to do a point by point reply, but, I'd rather say this:
Certainly there are people who have married less often and they were running for president. But past marriages/divorces isn't why Trump is the "presumptive nominee" of the RNC.

His off the cuff statements/descriptions of women aren't the reason he's got the popular vote. Such statements might piss off the easily offended, but oh well.

His statement "we need to stop importing Muslim refugees until we can figure this thing out" - stands on its own merit. Last I checked its the Muslim fundamentalist terrorists that we, as Americans, are rightly concerned about. ISIS looks just like many moderate pro-American Muslims. It's common sense to NOT flood our nation with refugees from countries known to be unfriendly towards U.S.
Feel free to go after the Joseph Smith character, he is indeed no better than the founder of Islam - but that doesn't help close our borders and re-establish and revitalize our once great nation.
Ultimately, this election is about wether or not America is going to get CPR - Trump is my choice for that.
That Clinton woman or the 1930's communist sanders will surely continue the "hope and change" until there is nothing left that resembles America. And forget being a private citizen in a USSA, you can kiss your freedom goodbye as well if either of those disasters win.

Trump can beat the wicked witch, if he continues with his "bully pulpit"
However, if the RNC "advisors" castrate Trump, like they have past presidential hopefuls, we are finished.
Northwest · M

"Socialism is state ownership of you and all that you own"

Which candidate is running on this platform. As far as I know, Bernie wants us to have free education and free healthcare. That is what I call American Socialism. No one is calling for the state to own everything, European, Middle Eastern, Chinese, etc. style.

"Healthy nationalism allows a country to safely exist"

The only examples of nationalism, historically, combined socialism and nationalism (and I don't mean Nazis only). That would be: Soviets, Nazis, Franco's Spain, Mussolini's Italy, Nasser's Egypt, Saddam's Iraq, etc.

I cannot name a single nationalist regime that did not include socialism as one of its components.

I am not trying to dissuade you from voting from Trump, I am simply trying to set the record straight and separate facts from hyperbole.
carpediem · 61-69, M
@bigasset You complain 4 of his companies have filed bankruptcy. I say that's pretty damned good. In a CNN report "Donald Trump controls more than 500 companies". So 4 went bankrupt? And each was reorganized under Chapter 11. Trump lost or gave up significant portions of his holdings in those deals. And he sold personal assets at the time to cover losses. So 4 reorganized over 25 years out of over 500? What's your beef? If he never went into business he wouldn't have the risk. But then he also would have the fortune he made for him and others, jobs created, etc etc. It's what makes capitalism work.

Obama has a HUGE string of bankruptcies in companies he's funded using MY money and yours. Billions and billions of dollars. Of course loads of his pals made out great in most of those deals. Yet, I don't see you complaining about that.
Resided · 61-69, M
I agree @CMDex...people just spout off wether they understand the situation or not. "A mind full of conclusions, has no room for expansion". Comparing Trump to Hitler! What an immature observation. Hitler was a criminal, just like Hillary Clinton is today. Donald Trump has a squeaky clean record, and all of his offspring have squeaky clean records(remarkable compared to a majority wealthy kids). I don't like everything about Trump...but you can't be Trump and not be flawed to some degree. We are all flawed, and no one is loved by all or has the same view on important decisions. If Donald Trumps outlook was delivered by another less boisterous candidate, it would not have half the weight it does.
Cierzo · M
An opinion from non-American.
Trump is shocking because he is totally away from the 'first be not offensive, then be true' rhetoric that has ravaged tbe social and political speech lately. That's why he may sound blunt, because our ears are now used to be caressed, not to bitter truths.
Trump's speech reminds us that the dream of a world where everybody leaves in peace in harmony is just a dream. Trump's speech reminds us that there are hierarchies, up and down, and that it must be that way. There are many who don't want to wake up from their dreams of equality and want him to shut up...sorry but truth is above your fantasies.
Resided · 61-69, M
Hey Room...look up Plano , TEXAS! Most heavily armed city in America! With a murder rate at .4 per 100,000. We are ranked number 111 out of 210 Nations per capita murder rate. Half the Nations that lead the murder rate have a gun ban. That's all murders not just those evil guns. That number includes those evil cars, and baseball bats. Oh, and lets don't forget why Japan was afraid to invade America, Yamamoto knew there was a rifle behind every blade of grass.

Same reason thugs target helpless old ladies, in England, but not America! Granny packs a 45 here! Thugs know better.

Careful NPC, us Americans don't understand sarcasm! :)
Northwest · M
@npc: still though, you have not really said that "Making America Great Again" means to you. Specifically, the "again", what are we comparing "now", to with "again"?
room101 · 51-55, M
@Resided - tell me something Mr Big Stick, how many wars has the good ol' USofA been in (since WW2) that it entered into basically alone and, of those wars, how many have you won? i'll give you a clue. two of them were in the far east and you got your asses handed to you on a plate by far, far inferior forces.

@Jackson - sorry dude but you're about six years behind the times. our current government is Conservative and our previous government (although Labour) was as far from socialism as one can get. this is something that (yet again) you idiot yanks just don't understand. there is a big difference between being socially aware and being socialists. that's what all of Europe is, Socially Aware!

@NPC you really need to learn how to read. in every one of my replies, both here and in our other little discussion, i've talked about MASS SHOOTINGS. the stats i gave you are about MASS SHOOTINGS. i have not discussed criminal activity at all. what i did say (in that context) is that our police force is UNARMED! does that compute with you? an entire nation of almost 65 million people with an UNARMED police force. can you imagine such a thing? guess what? I DON'T NEED TO BECAUSE I LIVE IT! maybe one day you idiots will too. but i doubt it
Northwest · M
@npc: and I responded to it, as accurately, and respectfully as I possibly can. Good day to you too.

A good argument should not stand in the way of truth.
Mr BigAsset:

I'm sorry that you think this present White House has ever been qualified to rule and reign. It's sad to me that the glaring facts about the felon Clinton don't bother you in the slightest.

Trump at least is a billionaire American businessman - knows how to deal with people. He understand what it means to maintain a successful business. I'm happy to cast my vote in his direction.

I do know his foreign policies will have everything to do with defending our borders first... The rest will follow along those lines.
Northwest · M

Now, you're simply patronizing. If you find fault with what I'm saying, simply point to it.

"Oh, and up to 90% of your income as taxes (forgot to mention that one little goodie)."

No, what you really forget is that this was the tax rate (more actually), during the time when you think America was great. This was good for a laugh though. It's not that I'm an expert, on the contrary. I simply try to read some history, and I learn from experts, not slogans.
Carissimi · F
I think American values are as diverse as the population, these days, NPC.
Northwest · M

"I do not wish global socialism on anyone."

I am not sure what this means. We tend to define socialism in the US differently from other nations. Scandinavia is socialist, yet people have the highest standard of living in the world. A higher standard of living is what we want, right?

Nationalism has never been good to any country that implemented it. History at least taught us that much.
Loretta78 · 46-50, F
@ BigAsset: I am more or less agree with you. Only with one thing you are wrong. Not ALL People around the globe are laughing at Trump. I am from Europe, and I just can tell you that many Europeans FEAR that Trump will be the next president. Me too. I am far away to laugh about Trump. I think, that he will be a really danger for the whole world if he is going to be the next president.
But I know what you´ve meant with your post. ;-)
Resided · 61-69, M
@room101 you must get your misinformation from the comic books. He didn't instigate violence, he stood up and said what all of us Gun totin, ass kicking, tired of you sissies stand for. Trump never said crack heads so we can win some votes. He said throw those assholes out of here if they don't want to act civilized while at a Trump Rally. Its not going to take"Luck".
Northwest · M
FYI: Donald Trump is fully convinced that the missing EgyptAir plane that was downed last night was "blown out of the sky" — and he says "you're 100 percent wrong" if you don't.

Even if it's true, at this stage of the investigation, no one can be 100% sure of what happened. This is just an example of the "off the cuff" comments that's not really acceptable.
carpediem · 61-69, M
@bigasset I have news. The man is no joke. He's an accomplished business mogul. Not sure you know it, but real estate development is a VERY difficult business. You need to cut great deals, take huge risks, and get along with people of all stripes. He's has a very solid record of accomplishment that is truly impressive.

HC on the other hand, also has a record. A string of failures too numerous to even begin to mention here, but we can start with a couple recent goodies. She "successfully" put the national security at risk by her moronic email fiasco. Nice instincts on that one. THIS is the person you trust with national security? And of course her abject failure in Bengazi. A movie was to blame. What a crock.

The way of the committed left. Accomplishment bad. Class warfare and division good. Buy some tissues BigA, the guy will be the next president.
That Clinton woman left Americans to die is Benghazi
That Clinton woman destabilized the Middle East - leaving defenseless moderate Muslims no choice but to flee,
which provides a cover for the ISIS murderers to infiltrate into other countries
That Clinton woman has no regard for your ability to live at peace with your own income on your private property

I'll take my chances with a billionaire businessman who gives a damn about Anerica and what it stands for. I'm going to venture an educated guess that Trump has learned quite a bit via the bankruptcies. Success many many times follows failure.
And: has anyone in this forum ever attempted to build a skyscraper on Manhattan Island? Ever seen the amount of government regulation that must be waded through in order to accomplish something like that?
Cierzo · M
Most European press in against Trump. Day in day out there are articles presenting him as racist and a misogynist. On the other side people are divided. Nobody considers Trump a joke any more. Many fear him, but there are also a large portion (I stand here) thinking 'I wish there was a Trump in my country'
carpediem · 61-69, M
@npc I think you're smart enough not to be dissuaded by someone trying to warm you up the idea of socialism. First, his attempt at "expertly" separating truth from hype, he spins the term "American Socialism". LOL In other words, socialists, knowing that their system is unwanted in the US, create a "special" name for it. They only want free education, free health care, free, free free. Oh, and up to 90% of your income as taxes (forgot to mention that one little goodie).

Yes, we have an expert. He's knows it all. Thankfully you found him. He'll tell you how to vote, what's worth considering, and really what the "facts" are. And if you're lucky, the proper way to live.

You have your opinions and they are not only respected by many, but supported. Now go get a massage on me. You earned it.
Northwest · M
@npc: You seem to be asking a question, but to answer it, I would have to understand what you mean by " what makes our country distinctly American", so you keep repeating, but I am not sure you can explain. It's OK, the tea party does not really have a clear definition for it either.
Yes, we will have to respectfully disagree.
If you, like me, keep the doors of your home locked, then you understand the need for closed borders and "isolationism" as you call it.

America has always had selectively open borders until Bush and now Obama.

Npc :
It's not simple. When you are the President of the world's most powerful military and economy you need someone experienced and capable. 'You can't take a chance' cause the price of that can be very heavy indeed! And at every step Trump has proved to be someone who is loud mouthed and shallow. His foreign policy understanding is at best juvenile like his vocabulary. If still he is voted then good luck to all of us around the world!!
And lastly - all this talk of Muslims and Mexicans etc. Wait till other countries respond and start to target American companies globally. That will hurt America worse!
ISIS and Al qaeda were all created by America during cold war as a counter balance to Russia. It's power at play. To think they will be bombed out and finished is wishful thinking...
carpediem · 61-69, M
@loretta The European press is not unlike the left wing American press. You really have no clue about Trump. You only know what they have spun up to oppose him. They do the same thing every time with every Republican candidate. With what I see happening in Europe, I'd be afraid if I was you too.
room101 · 51-55, M
While we’re on the subject of reality vs. daft perceptions.

It took three years for the good ol’ US of A to enter into WW2 and, while y’all hid behind your blue spangled banner, your European allies bled. You did the same thing in WW1.

You joined WW2 when a tiny island nation called Japan bombed the crap out of you in Pearl Harbour. But guess what, the Brits were with you, in the Pacific theatre of war, from the get go. And idiots like you have the audacity to thump your chests and tell us that you won the war for us!

You then went to war against Korea and latterly Vietnam. For what reason? They were no threat to you. You did it because you wanted to impose your ideology on them. In principle, that makes you no different to the psychos in ISIS. Needless to say, you lost both campaigns in fine style.

Fast forward a few decades and Bush Snr takes you to war against Iraq. Yet again, your European allies were with you from the start. We won that conflict but, your politicians totally screwed up the peace. Just like they totally screwed things up when Saddam fell.

Then, that idiot with daddy issues Bush Jnr launched his BS “War on Terror” and, yet again, Britain was right there by your side. Shame that you’ve never been able to do the same for us.

You’re a joke. A joke that you just don’t get. A joke that Obama has been trying to make you understand for eight years. A joke that you are intent on perpetuating and expanding with your support for that comedy fart, Trump.
Northwest · M
@npc says:

"Northwest: You show you don't understand what is at stake."

Yet, you fail to point to how I'm doing that.

You don't win wars with slogans, and "hyperbole". It's even more dangerous when all you have is slogans and hyperbole to fight a war.
Notpoliticallycorrect : I can only say with Trump, America won't be stronger.... It will be more like god save America. The guy is a joke and trust me people around the globe are laughing at him. If he is elected president then good luck...
This present administration has done and continues to dismantle our military, maintain open borders and wages war with our local police. Our once great nation is crumbling from within.

Trump is using hyperbole again with his 100% statement.
I understand his point:
This character in the White House will not speak against Islamic fundamentalist terrorism, therefore one may not speculate what took down that plane.

I'm sorry you don't understand the threat of Islamic fundamental terrorism against the West and any other sect of Islam ISIS hates.
That's great you've traveled and seen how the world is on your travels.
It's possible to still miss the point of what's at stake - even with your history of traveling.
Northwest · M
@npc: I am not trying to get you to agree with me either, but I am genuinely interested in what "what makes our country distinctly American" means. I hear that a lot from the Tea Party crowd, and I have yet to find someone who could explain what it means to them.
Resided · 61-69, M
@room101 you are living up to your reputation with that comment! Have you ever heard the old saying..."Speak softly, and carry a big stick" ? Evolution has turned that stick into a gun for defense. Can you possibly conceive the idea of why Nuclear armament is so vital to a threatened countries arsenal. Without it, they are helpless to defend themselves from attack by conquering governments. Just having that power at hand is enough to deter an attack. So when your country is overrun with "refugees" and they start to invade your neighborhood, and take your have no way to defend yourself. How does that Feel? Oh wait, it is already happening there!
The debate somehow comes down to religious and immigration rights. Not once in any of his discussions has he put out a plan to make America great again. Trust me another war or military intervention won't make America great again (whatever that's supposed to mean)!
His companies have filed for bankruptcy 4 times. And his views on reducing debt was rejected by almost all leading economists.
His social positions are suspect and he hasn't taken a stand on most issues.
If just being anti establishment is a qualification then I think bearnie sanders is a far better candidate who speaks sense and has his focus on real issues!

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