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I Know True Crazy People Cant See Theyre Crazy

A bear shits in the woods...does anyone care? A racoon craps under a pine tree in the dirt, does anyone complain? A possum walks out at night into an empty grass lot beside a small community, does its dirty business, does anyone think twice? BUT... a man walks his dog down the sidewalk of same neighborhood and the dog squats on the side of the road in a mound of dirt / sand, takes a small poo, and everyone loses their mind, goes postal, eyes fill with rage, angry words are said, dirty looks are given at the owner. The world is insane. society is Ridiculous.
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firefall · 61-69, M
the others are wild animals, and noone is responsible for them. Because YOU want to abdicate your personal responsibility for your pet, doesn't make it ok. Noone other than you is losing their mind about it - I can tell, because you're still alive and apparently unharmed, other than in your massive ego
Sebastianblack · 36-40, M
@firefall That is the Dumbest thing I have ever heard. Try using logic when you talk.
Sebastianblack · 36-40, M
@firefall You said it yourself No one is responsible for the animals. (As nature intended) and yet society is not harmed by them. Animal poo belongs in the ground where it naturally biodegrades and fertilizes the earth no less.
Sebastianblack · 36-40, M
@firefall Now I am not abdicating that pets should be allowed to crap in peoples front lawns, but if they do their business off to the side and away from where human feet travel, then all is well and good. There is no better alternative. Are you going to start putting diapers on all the raccoons, possums, squirrels and any animal that might possibly enter the vicinity? Hell no because that would be insanity. The best method is to bury it.
Maggimay · 46-50, F
Sounds about right. Here, they actually have a notice on the lampost for anyone with information to the council about the people who don't pick up dog poo. 🙄
Sebastianblack · 36-40, M
@Maggimay All this fuss over just needs to be buried. thats all there is to it. Carrying a small shovel would solve the small problem that is not even en environmental concern it's just a social concern, because people dont wanna see it ,smell it or accidentally step in it.
TightyWhiteyKing · 26-30, M
I talk to myself so people judge me as crazy but how can you blame me? No one wants to socialize anymore.
Sebastianblack · 36-40, M
What has life come to when people cant even allow nature to take its corse without begrudging each other? Of all the stupid stupid things to get angry about, you choose this?
Society really IS ridiculous!

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