I Am Scared of Relationships
I still can't stop thinking about him. It's not as often at least. I keep wishing the night he slept next to me, when I got up, I would have asked him to move to the floor with me, because there wasn't enough room on the couch. I remember his hand on my stomach. I wish I would have cuddled up next to him a few days following. The thing is, him and my roommate don't get along. I would rather have lived and stayed with her over him. Now she's moving to our home town, because she is pregnant. She has a boyfriend and they decided to get engaged. We planned on living here together for the whole time I was in town, years. Now he is dating and I have to find a new roommate. The thing is, if I went back, I probably wouldn't change anything. Well maybe..... There has to have been a middle ground.... Well. Not much I can do about it now. TV shows anybody? 😉