JarJarBoom · 41-45, F
I was especially mad when she tore your dress and you couldn't go to the ball

That’s not nice
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@AmandaArkansas lets chat
AmandaArkansas · 22-25, F
@SW-User nope

@AmandaArkansas why not i was on your side
Rachely3 · 36-40, F
Don't complain! My stepmother spanked me 😢
IWasCallingYaLarry · 31-35, M
I don't like mine, either.
GentleJoe · 61-69, M
Your time will come when you can leave.
lofc25 · 31-35, M
Is she really strict?
wrestle4fun · M
You seem really fit and are obviously pretty tall ...maybe just kick her butt? :)@AmandaArkansas
AmandaArkansas · 22-25, F
@wrestle4fun she's fat like a sumowrestler and also that strong....
wrestle4fun · M
Hmmm, well, that should give you the speed advantage; just lock on from behind her :)@AmandaArkansas

I understand how family can be. Totally get how tough it can be
black4white · 56-60, M
Time to start doing your own thing and making that move to get your own place
hlpflwthat · M
Do you live with her?
AmandaArkansas · 22-25, F
@hlpflwthat Yup, I´m 17 and not 18 like write (I don´t like to censored) till then I have to live with her....
hlpflwthat · M
@AmandaArkansas As you might expect, it does get better after you move out. I wasn't nuts about living with either of my step-parents. I was the oldest and the 'bad one' (because I wouldn't sneak like their kids)
frenchstrictdad · 46-50, M
AmandaArkansas · 22-25, F
@frenchstrictdad why???
frenchstrictdad · 46-50, M
@AmandaArkansas talk a bit but if you mind, no problem
KamiKazi · M
Are you making plans to move out now?
vetguy1991 · 51-55, M
Sorry it is that way

Well...not much longer, and you can be free of her.
1olderguy20 · 61-69, M
Does she punish you
AmandaArkansas · 22-25, F
Don't talk about this here, it's embarrassing for me !!!
KamiKazi · M
@AmandaArkansas I completely understand, sorry :( message me please?
KamiKazi · M
@AmandaArkansas Hey was wondering if you would talk with me? I can't message you until you message me back.
mrbuddhawannabe · 56-60, M
Time to move out
romell · 51-55, M
take deep breadth shunn negativity it only kills you no one else
Serkan · 61-69, M
it is this lady whobeat you and dady what he said
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AmandaArkansas · 22-25, F
@mayday 4 years or so...
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Serkan · 61-69, M
she beat you
MtnManJohn · 61-69, M
That is unfortunate. Is she as nasty as Cinderella's evil step-mom?
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AmandaArkansas · 22-25, F
@JP1119 Do ask that in public!!!!
JP1119 · 36-40, M
@AmandaArkansas sorry.

Sucks to be you.
When did your wicked stepmother last spank you Amanda
AmandaArkansas · 22-25, F
@Smiles take care of your own shit !!!!