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I Want to Tell My Story

To let you know a little of who I am, below is my last story on EP.


Why only one story? Because I have been on EP before.

I fell in love with someone here. Had an affair with that person, then lost her.

I wrote so many stories about the pain of losing my soul mate. Of the deep depression that saw me Sectioned under this country's Mental Health Act. Of my way back to something that vaguely resembled "normality".

I wrote about the tools and strategies I used to survive from day to day. I was told that some of these stories helped others.

Then, one day, one of my circle suggested I should get over myself, and move on. Probably quite right, but I was in a bad place that day and so, in a fit of pique, I deleted my account. All those back stories disappeared.

I'm not sorry about that, but I don't have the energy to go over lost ground. Hence - no stories.

But I feel I do still have things to offer, so I try make constructive comments on the stories of others.

And I no longer actively look for people to join my circle.

I feel much more comfortable sharing thoughts and feelings with females - don't know why that is. But I know many women, quite rightly, feel that there are far too many pervs and trolls on this site, and I don't want to be seen as just another "one of them". So I don't ask to join their circle.

But I am more than happy to chat. More than happy to add people to my circle . . . . . but don't mind if my circle is virtually non existent.
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Librarymouse · 56-60, F
I am sorry you had to go through so much pain. I had an EP account that I deleted after a friend I chatted with regularly committed suicide. I messaged the admins asking them to help when he started to post about suicide, but nothing happened. I deleted all my stories along with my account after. I am always up to chat. Nice to meet you 😊
ScarletWitch · 31-35, F
@Librarymouse can i know the name of him please.
Moving on is so hard especially when your heart lies with another. I too met someone on EP and had that elicit affair. We have both moved on since then but have remained beautiful friends. I wish your situation had turned out differently.
Bookaddict · 51-55, F
I too fell deeply in love with someone online - only it didn't end! We have continued and actually are living together now. Only time will tell what the future holds but chin up you will love deeply again my friend.
snofan · M
Thank you Librarymouse. It was a very dark time, but it has allowed me to be able to talk with others who are fighting with depression. A silver lining in a nasty cloud.
ijustneed2talk · 51-55, F
EP was good. This place is evolving. I too met someone on here and I fell in love. I'm an emotionally mature woman and yet I let myself fall for this wonderful man. I knew that there was only one way that it would end for us and yet I still believed that I was different and that things would work out. I was stupid.

It was too harsh for someone to tell you to just get over it. I don't know about you but I tell myself that I just need to get over it about 10 times a day. It doesn't help and it really doesn't help when someone else says it to you.I'm sorry this caused you to delete your account. Your story likely helped those who read it.

I wrote a good deal of stories and I still have those but I had a whole account of our emails over the course of 18 months and I deleted them all this week. I was driving myself crazy going over them and reading all the nice things he wrote to me. I'm sure he meant it at the time but now it doesn't matter at all. Nothing I did with him matters any more. It is time to "get over it" there are so many other people but it really isn't that easy.

I'm trying to get to the place where I can appreciate our time together was fun and exciting. Right now even this much later I'm still hurt and wondering what I could have done better. How do I go forward from here? I am thinking it's simply better to just be alone.
I am hurting reading your comment, as I can relate too. Gosh. Love is the most wonderful thing but can hurt like crazy...
rottenrobi · 56-60, F
I'm so sorry. I feel genuinely sad after reading this. I feel your hurt.
Justsleepy · F
I just didn’t log on EP after my heart broke. I had no idea it was closed until I thought I’d better pop back on after a few years I think about 2009 there was an option to delete or save ... I saved and after 8 more years I loaded it all up here.. still have same name... lately I’m wondering why did I bother ? Some of these guys think that how I felt back then is me now Ppftt 😂 it’s been years ... sigh 😔I have only caught up with one of my old friends who are on SW and it really made my day ! I am still so glad to have genuine people who really did and still do care xx 🤗
ChampagneOnIce · 51-55, F
I think many of us have similar stories. I'm so sorry you went through that, but I'm glad you were able to help others through their pain and sadness. I left EP when it just got too hard to be there. I saved the stories I wanted to keep, but I deleted them from the site when I deleted my account. I didn't want them on there after I'd gone.
novembermoon · 51-55
Hope you are doing well, my friend.
LadyBronte · 56-60, F
A similar story as well. But what does it matter now. Things ended up exactly the way I always said they would.
snofan · M
@JaggedLittlePill - I hope things are much better for you now, and that your days are brighter. J
Ladyred16 · 56-60, F
I'm sorry, that happened. I understand.
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
I had a 'similar' 'experience' ...though I didn't delete my account or stories. I removed them and saved but the hole I sunk into was deep and dark.
snofan · M
@ daydream - Thank you for your words. The blocking thing.....for a while it was mainly women who seemed to be posting SOOooo much drivel. I'm old. I can't be bothered even seeing it let alone reading it. :)
Your profile picture reminds me of a dream I once had..
Adaydreambeliever · 56-60, F
A story many of us are all too familiar with sadly.. losing the one we believe was our soul mate..:( Just a thought tho.. i see you say you block more women than men.. I'd just like to offer another perspective..maybe you block more women than men because you talk to way more women than men in the first place so naturally the ones you block are more likely to be women.. just a thought.. I guess I am trying to say not all women are bad.
It was a bittersweet place. I too have no desire to repeat some things.
I should read more and keep my mouth shut. As it is only too obvious that vitriol is alive and well on people’s stories in the comments.
I’m still not sure it’s for me.
@SW-User how do you frame your answer like that???
snofan · M
@novembermoon - Hi friend. I hope you are doing well too. I miss not having your stories appear in my feed. It makes it that little bit harder to stay in touch.
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
@librarymouse...i am so sorry..that is awful
This message was deleted by the author of the main post.
@katarina22: I also have a life. I have a great career, and lots of friends, am always usually very busy, or multitasking, yet, I have fallen in love with someone online. The heart knows no boundaries, no distance, and it can happen whether we are in person or online. Don't judge so quickly.
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
People having feelings means they have no life...noted 🙄
@JaggedLittlePill: bhahahahahahaha! thanks for a much needed good laugh! :D

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