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$15 and hour as a minimum wage. Yay or nay?

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One of the more pressing issues circulating around the United States is the “Fight for Fifteen.” Or simply the raising of the minimum wage to $15/hr.

Though recently President Biden mentioned it would most likely not be possible even though it being one of his campaign promises, citizens still pressure for the raise.

Like any issues brought to the table in society, there are both pros and cons.

Are you for the raising of the minimum wage being raised? Why?

What are some pros and cons to its raise?
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4meAndyou · F
States are supposed to have the right to control minimum wage. The reason Biden can't do it is because it would usurp the autonomy of the individual states, which are supposed to be able to self govern.

In New York City, I can definitely see the need for $15.00 minimum wage, because the cost of living there is astronomical. So are wages for the elites who live there, and they can afford to pay $50.00 for a meal at a restaurant.

If they required $15.00 minimum wage in far western Nebraska, where farmers are outraged if their restaurant dinner costs more than $8.95, businesses would close down. Jobs would be lost.

The federal government needs to butt out of state's autonomy or they are going to see individual states secede from the Union.

State governors know what wages their state economy will bear. The federal government has become clueless.
carpediem · 61-69, M
No. In my opinion, mandating minimums or setting cost controls is entirely arbitrary and does not fit well with market conditions. If you want wages to rise, eliminate select government mandated barriers in the economy and they'll rise.

Control the level of immigration like any other country does and lower income wage earners will see their income rise. Supply and demand. Increase the demand and the wages rise due to the amount of supply in the workforce.
gregloa · 61-69, M
Nothing will ever be enough. Why not try to reduce prices across the board house payments, rent, bills, etc. it’s all about greed. No matter how much you increase the minimum wage prices will always have to go up to pay for it. Duh. Its not rocket science. It’s high time politicians took a good hard look at the real problems instead of their own selfish political career.
Minimum wage was dumb to begin with. It is just getting dumber.

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