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I Hate Being Ugly

My best friends are hot and would totally hook up with each other. I'm attracted to them, but I'm ugly and they've told me before I have a good personality, but I'm not attractive. I get this a lot from guys and girls.

It sucks being ugly.
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Fungirlmmm · 51-55, F
Okay here is the thing... Physical beauty fades over time so rather than focusing totally on your looks focus on being the most intelligent well rounded woman you can become. As you age you will become more comfortable in your skin and that will make you more attractive to others. In the mean time make sure that you are well groomed and present the best you to the world. Make yourself happy being you and everything else will fall into place.
ChefBrian · 46-50, M
This is great advice...
LachrymoseLamer · 51-55, M
Beauty is more than just about looks. It's a glow that surrounds the entirety of who you are. Try not to get hung up on just one small part of it. *hugs*
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
Read Maya Angelou's poem:
Phenomenal Woman

It's easily found online.

It explains what makes a woman sexy and attractive.

You don't have to look a particular way to be attractive.

Strive for good health, self-esteem and self-confidence. Find what is special and unique about you and focus on that. Do that for a few years and you will start to bloom right about the time the super-pretties start to fade. A few years after that, if you keep it up, you'll be able to teach them a few things.
ShesNotSleeping · 26-30, F
I just read the poem and thank you for telling me about it. I guess for a long time I always thought you had to look a certain way to be attractive. But what the poem is saying (and what you've told me) is helping me to understand that it can be more the qualities you possess and the way you carry yourself that make you attractive.

Thank you. I really appreciate this.
Yeah. What's even worse is when people can't even lie to you about it
Ya I feel your pain. Haven't been in any relationship for some time 😿 sleeping alone at night is probably the hardest ...
Madelenie · 26-30, F
Yeah and they call you cute in case it would seem offensive if they just call your friends beautiful but nothing to you
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
Not everyone can be beautiful or pretty. But anyone can be attractive.
LoveChild · 26-30, F
This is your first post, and I don't think it's real. There's always a troll who posts a new sympathy question every day- sometimes every hour. You can tell by there being no pic, no friends, no about me. It's all fake.
ShesNotSleeping · 26-30, F
You're free to feel however you want about me.
ChefBrian · 46-50, M
I doubt you are that ugly.
Even if you were.. Some point someone will see you for who you really are.. And what you look like will matter less than who you are.. At your core.

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