sometimeslonelytoo · 51-55, M
I think what's most useful is appreciating the best aspects of being single while single, and appreciating the best aspects of being in a relationship when in a relationship.
cool2030 · 41-45, M
To be serious for a moment, Melissa: all of us have to choose some course between two negative extremes, being lonely on the one hand and being stuck with the wrong person on the other. In between come some super lucky ones who are together with a really neat person. However this neat person can change with the years, or can become considerably less exciting once you get to know them better. In very short -- THAT'S THE WHOLE GAME.
So we've got to find our way: either relax about the lonely moments, or do our darnedest to improve and maintain as best as we can the relationship(s) that we may have. And some of us do both! :)
So we've got to find our way: either relax about the lonely moments, or do our darnedest to improve and maintain as best as we can the relationship(s) that we may have. And some of us do both! :)
lovingcanhurt · F
There are certainly advantages and disadvantages to this.
WordsOfWisdom · M
I do believe that if you haven't experienced sadness, you won't appreciate joy.
mrblueforyou · M
You're free at least
Melissamolly · 31-35, F
Hahaha 😂
Melissamolly · 31-35, F
Awww well I don't know you lol
dark225 · 31-35, M
not that joy
vickytech · 36-40, M
its okay Mel... i understand but we can do one thing..
you ask about me and i will tell you everything... then you decide.. what you say?
you ask about me and i will tell you everything... then you decide.. what you say?
theblahs · 41-45, M
If someone makes you unhappy, you can be unhappy together. Somehow, that sounds better than alone.
chocolatecupcakes · 22-25, F
Some things about it I like but not all.
bhatjc · 46-50, M
So how is the new single life going for you Melissa

'A'? Since when, me
bhatjc · 46-50, M
Do you happy dance melissa. Now go party like a rockstar
Jeffie · 46-50, M
Happy happy joy joy :) 👍
High fives!! Lol
sammy61095 · 26-30, M
thats nice
bhatjc · 46-50, M
Hands melissa some mace
bhatjc · 46-50, M
So what are you going to do now that you are free.
IWasCallingYaLarry · 31-35, M
I'm single too. I have always been single.
SubMolly · 46-50, M
Me too been single for ages.
WordsOfWisdom · M
sometimeslonelytoo, so wise :)
Melissamolly · 31-35, F
Thank you cool2030
PhoenixPhail · M
But oh, the pain.
theblahs · 41-45, M
I should find someone. Younger preferably
Melissamolly · 31-35, F
Very true :)
Melissamolly · 31-35, F
Yeah true,
vickytech · 36-40, M
i am also single.. ready to mingle... what you say baby??
theblahs · 41-45, M
You don't appear pleased by being single.
bikelover · 56-60, M
No way 😏
Melissamolly · 31-35, F
Not really lol 😂
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
Better to be single than be with someone who makes you unhappy.