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Would you date a person with dyed hair in an unnatural colour

Poll - Total Votes: 28
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Such as blue, purple, red.
foxy AF
@SW-User like im into boys but a girl like this comes and i go hmmm i wonder now hahah
@TryingtoLava she is very cute
Ksmile14 · F
@TryingtoLava Cute as hell 💙
Snuffy1957 · 61-69, M
Montanaman · M
She's my wife 💞🥰
AntisocialTroll · 56-60, F
@Montanaman Love that colour!
Montanaman · M
@AntisocialTroll Thank you, so does she and I. And it's so long and soft and healthy 💞
Yes, I’ve been blue, pink, red and accidentally green before.
Darci ·
I don't see why not.
VTDestiny · 22-25, M
I don't see any reason not to. Just because they dye their hair an unnatural color doesn't mean they aren't a nice/loving/datable person.
I’ve had a thing for strawberry blondes and light blue. It’s really hot
Their hair color isn't that important to me.
G00GLE · 26-30, M
I'd date a rock if it'd let me
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I love unique colors.
AllelujahHaptism · 36-40, M
FreestyleArt · 31-35, M
More likely no. seems like they represent their stereotypes.
happilymarriedguy · 61-69, M
I don't think my wife would be happy with me dating anyone
Ksmile14 · F
Depends on the person but yeah. 🖤
QuietEd2019 · 31-35, M
Of course sounds cool
ViciDraco · 36-40, M
I find it particularly attractive, actually.

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