@TheQueenBree Awesome! Watching from Canada Brexit appears like a mass hallucination even though the whole world is going down the far right populist/asshole fasc route.
And right on with feminism. Even though there's plenty of amazing young activists I keep running into "women are equal to men also false rape accusations are more serious than rape"
@CountScrofula it’s a massive con more than a mass hallucination really. My favourite radio presenter puts it well - it’s like someone has shouted FIRE in a crowded room and 52% of people have run to the exit door. There isn’t actually a fire, but the 52% who ran immediately aren’t stupid for doing so, nor are the 48% who checked whether there really was a fire. But the populists still shout fire, even when it’s been proven they’re not, so the 52% who ran are dragging the rest of us to stand outside in the rain too.
Yeah but I can’t really be bothered to argue with those people. They’re temporarily around but they’ll die out once what they’re scared of becomes common sense. In just the same way opponents of other common sense feminist policies like equal voting rights have gone. Even if we’re sitting still, leaning backwards as a world at the moment, we’ll keep moving forward soon anyway.
@TheQueenBree Yeah - stay focused and keep organizing and build capacity. Con is a far better description than mass hallucination. There's complicated problems and easy solutions were offered with a simple target, and people bought it.
And of course, the solutions exacerbate the problems and make them worse and worse. Same thing in the US and I can feel Canada moving in that direction.
Well you see he is able to move around on the floor a little bit. He can move his feet a little and his body produces a sweet that allows him to slide easier@TheQueenBree
@Pherick I’d love to go to Barbados. Mostly because it’s such a great holiday place anyway and all the usual reasons people would go there but I also have relatives there that I’ve never met 😅 so it would be cool to meet them
@GerOttman no and...idk why not. I lean vaguely towards us not needing a queen but I mean if I was invited to see her I would 😆 still a pretty cool experience
If you had a chance to do anything over in your life, what would it be? Me, do better in school, to do my god damn homework instead of rebelling, and go to college.