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I Wtf

No other words, but wtaf?!? An obituary for the leader of ISIS. Seriously? I know the Washington Post are the print version of CNN (the Clinton News Network), but this is beyond low! I'm English, but I'm appalled at this!! The Washington News clearly support Islamic terrorists over the patriots and good people of America!! Do the Washington Post not know of all the atrocities carried out in the name of ISIS, under his command?

Now to bleach my eyes for going on their website!!!
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Heartlander · 80-89, M
The Washington Post makes the National Enquirer look like journalistic excellence :)

I think the logic behind it is that a Bezo's math-whiz figured that attracting 80% of all liberals would bring in more readers than attracting 15% of everyone.
coffeedimplez · 26-30, F
@Heartlander I disagree. Obviously it won't attract non-liberals but its not attracting liberals either. This was just an idiotic article.
KatyB · F
@coffeedimplez An idiotic article pointing out the hypocrisy of the leftist Washington Post. A paper that has a tab on its home page updating on the latest impeachment bs!! Should be renamed the Communist Times...
Heartlander · 80-89, M

Hopefully it did give cause to encourage EVERYONE to throw rotten eggs at the WP.
4meAndyou · F
WAPO (The Washington Post), hates ISIS just as much as anyone, but their reporters are so internally warped by living and breathing their constant sick hatred of Trump that they will write ANYTHING that spins ANYTHING Trump does or says in a negative and hateful way.

People who are that blinded by their sick hatred of one individual cannot be considered rational.

In the United States, we have learned to, (sigh), deal with this constant verbal excrement being flung about by Trump haters, but it is worrisome, knowing that these same reporters, and politicians, are so extremely crazy they will actually perform acts that border on the traitorous...and we never know if and when they will cross the line and go all the way. WAPO gives you just ONE example...where a monster...who lit prisoners on fire inside their accorded RESPECT...not because he deserved it...but because Trump ordered his death.

The criminal investigation underway right now under the aegis of Attorney General Barr, and being conducted by highly respected Connecticut Prosecutor John Durham, will, most likely, reveal that traitorous, unpatriotic and criminal activity has been the norm in Washington, D.C. since before the 2016 election.
4meAndyou · F
@KatyB Yes, USA, very hefty amount, (73%), of recent Brit immigrant in my blood.

I have met one of the intellectual muppets. He had fungal slime for lunch, I believe...😂

I have an American friend here who is just borderline with wanting to start a war, and I have tried to calm him a bit. I don't want people whose opinions are similar to mine killing my left wing Trump hating son...😂

I live in Elizabeth Warren's, (lying nutter Democrat Socialist candidate), state, Massachusetts, and my son was raised here. You HAVE to be PC, (in public), to survive, here. They are now proposing to outlaw the word "bitch". It's starting.
KatyB · F
@4meAndyou Oh my days!! I'm still young myself, but I refuse to be PC!! What are they going to do? have me up for hurting someone's delicate fee fees? People need to grow a spine!! You know what, your son will be around my age, possibly older even. But imagine the likes of him and the rest of my generation in those boats, heading across the English Channel on 6th June 1944? Those blokes would have been terrified, my generation would crap themselves, then pass out!!

I don't mind a mushroom risotto. That could be fungal slime? 🤣
4meAndyou · F
@KatyB No...that fungal slime will actually try to eat YOU if you sit still long enough. It moves toward FOOD!

My son would never have made it into the military due to asthma, but I can imagine him in one of those boats with no problem. He is enormous, and intimidating. He has a scar on his face, and all the kids were scared of him when he was young. I believe he was hired as IT project manager because he looks a bit scary.

I'm afraid Trump hatred is just baked in to most of this generation.
Kevin19 · 22-25, M
People are so obsessed with being anti trump they take some really weird political views
KatyB · F
@Kevin19 Exactly! And all because Killary couldn't beat him. Shows the extent of corruption in politics, especially your Demon Rats
496sbc · 36-40, M
this is what trump is talk about / great post KatyB
bobby1975 · F
Can you post an actual link to your source.
bobby1975 · F
@KatyB Your anger and reaction intrigues me
KatyB · F
@bobby1975 Your stupidity intrigues me!!
bobby1975 · F
@KatyB lol, 🤣
Tres13 · 51-55, M
"He reached the end of the tunnel, as our dogs chased him down.

"He ignited his vest, killing himself and the three children," the Chosen One
KatyB · F
@Tres13 Well however it happened, I hope it hurt him, and he's in agony for all eternity! And the only virgins for him are men...
Heartlander · 80-89, M
@KatyB Wrap his remains in a pork belly before feeding it to the buzzards.
KatyB · F
@Heartlander Or like my favourite film (Snatch) "Feed him to the pigs"
IWasCallingYaLarry · 31-35, M
Yeah I knew this would happen. They will defend anybody who hates us over here and who is against being blown up or shot by these terrorists. As long as someone agrees with them politically, they don't care about the horrible things they did.
IWasCallingYaLarry · 31-35, M
@KatyB Yeah, I agree. And I don't even like Trump, but I will end up voting for him for this upcoming election because I really don't want the other side to win. They keep just pushing centrists like me to the right because they're insane and try to censor everybody and also they're the ones now advocating for cannibalism to solve climate change. I would never ever support that. After I found out about that, I was immediately like "I'm done. I'm fucking done with these people. I now have no choice but to vote for Trump."
coffeedimplez · 26-30, F
@IWasCallingYaLarry where did you hear about that? Just curious. When I took the test to determine where I fall on the political scale I scored as a liberal leaning conservative which means I'm sort of in the middle of the scale closer to the liberal side. So I'm pretty open minded. I'll vote for who ever I agree with mostly, regardless which party they stand with. So if there's any truth to this, I want to know about it!
IWasCallingYaLarry · 31-35, M
@coffeedimplez See? I like that. I like those who are open minded to listen to both sides. You're like me, then. That's why I watch multiple different YouTubers from different political views. The cannibalism video btw you can find on YouTube from Tim Pool's other channel, Timcast. Look up Timcast cannibalism and you should find it. It's about a leftist scientist who was advocating cannibalism to solve climate change.
I guess the filters on that site are broken. Triggered by the word ‘dies’ it misclassified that shit as an obituary
KatyB · F
@SW-User I think it's the paper and the editor that are broken! They need putting in the bin. Just don't let AOC try to put the trash out...
LegendofPeza · 61-69, M
'The Washington News clearly support Islamic terrorists'.

Really ?

Or maybe you are the stupid one here for not understanding what an obituary is.
KatyB · F
@LegendofPeza Describing yourself again? Do you think you are hard and clever? When in fact you are as thick as pig shit! You can fcuk off away from my post too!!
LegendofPeza · 61-69, M
@KatyB Stupid , paranoid , and very angry.

That's no way to go through life.
KatyB · F
@LegendofPeza French, eh? Says it all!!! 🖕
RygbiMJ12 · M
I saw this it's literally so fucking stupid
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
Not sure how this constitutes as an obituary.

You know he blessed himself up right? We didn't actually kill him. He killed himself. So he died. The end

You think you are smart but half your posts don't even make fucking sense.

Talk about inflated ego and projection.
KatyB · F
@JaggedLittlePill So you've posted this, just to be insulting? How big and hard of you? I bet your parents wish you'd been wiped on the curtain instead of pregnanting your mother's egg!! Now fcuk off away from my post!!

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