@suzyq no I wasn't aiming my comment at you.I'm friends with melissamolly and was only offering support. I realise everybody Is different and i embrace that,I do not judge anybody,so i apologise if I came across in a way,of which I didn't mean to.

It's good you realise this about yourself.Just make sure you use your bluntness occasionally,and not everyday x
i'm exceptionally curious, i respond to statements with very blunt questions, i'm very honest
tallpowerhouseblonde · 36-40, F
Point proven good for you.. nice!
Point proven good for you.. nice!
@HotPizza, are you giving me advice? i'll say what i like when i like
tallpowerhouseblonde · 36-40, F
me too.But I have a sharp tongue too and long razorsharp nails to back it up
i'm not ashamed of this at all, i'm never embarrassed about things say
me too, i'm very assertive
Melissamolly · 31-35, F
I think it's a good thing
Pretzel · 61-69, M
sometimes you have to be
Melissamolly · 31-35, F
That's a really good way to be, because then people know not to mess with you! Lol
Hotelroom38 · 51-55, M
nowt wrong with being blunt
LaylaTheTallGirl · 22-25, F
My friends said I can’t handle the truth.
Melissamolly · 31-35, F
Good! :)
tallpowerhouseblonde · 36-40, F
I just dont tolerate any bullshitting