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I Think I Am Mentally Ill

If you came here to get a sympathetic mind. And to organize others who you chose the wrong place, Similar Worlds is a giant playground no one will help you here.

What would help as an experiment would be to try to create a group at Facebook and block it as your following grows fix for members only

Or try to create a blog a basic one at WordPress.
At least try somewhere else

Your group was posted 2 years ago
Now watch because I posted here today November 24th 2018
Someone will follow with an answer
that should been posted long ago.

Similar Worlds won't and can't help you organize a help group.
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PlumBerries · 31-35, F
I have received so much support here when I have been in really bad state of mind and suffering with mental illness. facebook I would think is so much worse. I haven't been on facebook in years but when I was on it was so toxic.
if you feel you need serious help though you should contact health professionals who can better assist you.. but in my experience here if you open up about whatever is going on, there will be some people who will support you and so on
@PlumBerries I saw few answers here at Similar Worlds recently in response to a individual posting that they were schizoaffective.

If this person was in emotional distress after receiving comments like that it only make them worse

People shouldn't treat others that way.

I still feel there are other sources available that should be sympathetic and try to help men and women who are suffering from mental disorders.
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
I guess some people wont answer due to not knowing what to say or how to help in some situations. there are mental health forums online, I don't know if you would consider that better help but there are good places around for support if you look enough
GerOttman · 61-69, M
Assuming that someone actually was dealing with a serious mental illness, this would be the last place I would offer for help. You might find a sympathetic ear or a shoulder to cry on but real advice and help... I don't think so!
Miram · 31-35, F
These groups were created on experience project, not here.. As far as anyone knows, the person who created it might not even be a member here anymore.

Responses are to the stories not to the person who created the group.

There are helpful people here. Not everyone's experience is as negative.
SheikYerbouti · 51-55, M
It takes a rational mind to determine that.
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
I have found plenty of support and help here. If takes effort to weed through the asshats. There are good people here. No one in the world wants to hear about my struggles and Facebook is the land of asshats. Good luck keeping that group on fb free of trolls. I have used Facebook "help" groups. They are terrible and filled with "experts "

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