Sooo a big spider would make you dunk in basketbll 

FairyGirlGemma · F
@TryingtoLava Yessss!!
DrWatson · 70-79, M
@TryingtoLava Just think of all the motivational speeches made by coaches. Who knew that they could be replaced by a box of spiders? 

FairyGirlGemma · F
@DrWatson It would work for me
SatyrService · M
but they eat the mosquitoes that eat on us!
I luv me some spiders.. just not in ma bed
I luv me some spiders.. just not in ma bed
AntisocialTroll · 56-60, F
I feel for you! I was on the bog earlier and a cranefly decided to join me the fecker dive bombed me, after that the only thing for it twas the hoover....
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Jimbojambo · 51-55, M
Crane flies like to hover at you and tickle your face. @AntisocialTroll
FairyGirlGemma · F
@AntisocialTroll I hate those things, spiders with wings that flit everywhere 

AntisocialTroll · 56-60, F
@FairyGirlGemma Exactly! @Jimbojambo They may like it, I do not...
I would’ve died
FairyGirlGemma · F
@BettyBeez I nearly did!
@FairyGirlGemma did you kill it?!
FairyGirlGemma · F
@BettyBeez Fraid so, it was sort of a reflex to seeing something crawling on me
Jimbojambo · 51-55, M
Weird spider thing: if you pick them up in your hands, they weigh absolutely nothing at all.
Jimbojambo · 51-55, M
I used to hate spiders. Then I had a fight with a great big one that was eyeing me up and now I feel quite hospitable toward ‘em @FairyGirlGemma
Bratt · F
@Jimbojambo If I may interject: They become near nothing beneath a shoe as well.
Jimbojambo · 51-55, M
I can’t argue with that @Bratt
Bratt · F
Literally sitting here looking around my feet as I think of a response... Spiders scuuur me! 

greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
Since I've had a huge invasion of flies this summer, I've taken a much more positive view of spiders.
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FreestyleArt · 31-35, M
So did you break Michael Jordan's Record?
DrWatson · 70-79, M
Think of it as aerobic exercise.
Ian123 · 61-69, M
Spiders won’t hurt you, unless it’s a banana spider 

DunningKruger · 61-69, M
What's that crawling in your hair?
FairyGirlGemma · F
@DunningKruger Not another one 

SensitiveCha0s · M
Oh noooo!!! Your worst nightmare. Or close to it.
FairyGirlGemma · F
@SensitiveCha0s Pretty damn close :o
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