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I Feel Trapped

What would you do me, you felt stuck in a world with no hope, no opportunity, and no designated place for you?

What would you do if every day no matter how hard you wished, or tried, or how patient you were no matter what you never got any slack, no lucky breaks, nothing ever going your way?

What would you do if just like me,you felt like nothing you ever did mattered? What if you were reminded constantly how society has nothing to offer you?

In other words, what would you do if you were me?
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Repete · 61-69, M
Can't speak for you I'm old I do have a job pay is about as low as it can be and I've been here for over 10 years looking at the same walls same floor. Nothing looks like it's going to change .but I have had some good breaks . I fought for 2 years to be able to raise my daughter as a single parent after I (we) my wife then decided that it would be better for me to raise her than for her to be up for adoption and not see her again. I had to choose my wife or my daughter.
Still I have my health , I can see the sun, hear the wind blowing or the fog horn in a distance. Feel the sand under my feet.
I can ride a bicycle and am reminded of a song form long past.
Count your blessings , name them one by one. You may find you are a blessing to someone and that you have many blessings to be thankful for.
A lot. Of life is what we make of it.
A lot of life we have no control over
A lot of life we have to just take one day at a time.
This may not have helped but I do hope you find the breaks your looking for. They may be closer than you think .
Well I am you in a sense because I feel exactly the same. *sigh* well what I do is I go into work, at a daycare and preschool, do my “job”.... BUT I expect people to talk shit about me because that’s how they are... I do MY personal best and treat the kids like humans beings, I try to establish conversations, laugh and sing with them and not just tell them what to do. I live alone, that helps. I practice karate on the dark with music on and I dance. I cook my veggie lentil soup, I read, and I spend time nurturing myself... giving MYSELF the love or appreciation I wish I got from other people. And lastly, I write positive notes that I anonymously leave in bathrooms or the mail room.... I guess my fantasy of wishing a kind act will change a person’s heart. I hate when people use the word “should”.... but maybe you might want to look into working with kids, since they’re not completely brainwashed by society, you can teach them core values.... or you might try Toastmasters.... I’m sure they have a meeting place in your area.... and give speeches to bring your point across. I only did Toastmasters for a couple months and left though... I really do hate too much social interaction.
Sebastianblack · 36-40, M
@Selfexpression those are good thoughts. I will look into toastmasters.
SoFine · 46-50, F
You matter the most to you.
Your job in life is to have you be happy, it is your job....
How you do your happiness, is for you to figure out. ..

Be your own best friend is your first step .
Butterflykisses24 · 51-55, F
I would make a change of some sort.Doing the same thing and expecting the same results is a hindrance.I would start a new adventure.

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