I suppose anything is possible. People can have different styles of expressing affection.
On the other hand, a family member once told me that he thought my partner was too clingy. My opinion, in retrospect was that the 'affection' was motivated by possessiveness rather than caring.
On the other hand, a family member once told me that he thought my partner was too clingy. My opinion, in retrospect was that the 'affection' was motivated by possessiveness rather than caring.

@SW-User many people aren't able to figure that out; the cause for affection I mean. Nice depth in your answer! Thank you.
MasterLee · 56-60, M

@MasterLee can you think of any reasons for this?
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@SW-User if I did I'd know how to stop it
smiler2012 · 61-69
{@eryxx] well only two conclusions spring to mind on this one. either that is how she is and how she rolls .the other thing could be she does love and does not want too lose you and deep down in her heart this scares her

@smiler2012 understood the relevancy of your first point. Thank you!
But how can not wanting to lose me create an issue (that I'm too affectionate) for her?
But how can not wanting to lose me create an issue (that I'm too affectionate) for her?
SkeetSkeet · 100+, F
Nah affectionate me