reflectingmonkey · 51-55, M
so you 're thinking that women cannot get lost in the hormones and do something that goes against their heart and their values just because they're turned on? sorry to say but you don't know much about women, do you? I have more than once in my days started talking to a girl who says she loves her boyfriend and would never cheat and a few hours later I'm in bed with her. they can also do things without thinking.
pianoplayingsteve · 31-35, M
@reflectingmonkey a lot of people are scared to say anything negative about any individual woman ever, or to notice any trends whatsoever, because it means you must hate all women in our advanced 21tst century
reflectingmonkey · 51-55, M
@pianoplayingsteve i try to never hate, just to have compassion. I don't hate people who have hurt me, I just feel sorry for them, they live in a much darker world than mine.
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wackidywack · 26-30

pianoplayingsteve · 31-35, M
@BRUUH I've had partners cheat on me, I was suicidal, but it i attempted suicide then that's on me, my decision. They arent there forcing me to kill myself. Having said that, cheating sucks, I just dont like the 'look what you made me do to myself' argument, because many end up using that to abuse others 'if you dont do what I want I'll cut myself. Even though I chose to do it its your fault' I've had someone do that to me
@pianoplayingsteve Dog, I don't share that people attempt suicide over it say "it's the fault of the cheaters ENTIRELY" but I bring it up so people see that it is a serious fucking deal that can and has caused suicide. People who say stuff like "well if someone was gonna kill themselves over that then they had other issues most likely" miss the point entirely.
pianoplayingsteve · 31-35, M
@BRUUH Dog, don't be one of those people who take the dishonest logic of "if you dont agree with my interpretation, you missed the point" it's absolutely rampant on this site. There isn't just one grand point in every situation, but multiple ways interpret things, different angles to come from, and if you think there is just one point that someone may have missed, then to use your words "you've missed the point entirely" but no haha I would be dishonest to do that but that's exactly what I mean.
Cheating is a massive deal, hence for thousands of years many cultures punished adultery with death. But i still stick with with my words. If you cheat you are wrong, and yes you caused tremendous hurt, but the suicide? No, that is their decision. And as I said earlier, I've seen too many accounts of people threatening suicide or self harm to manipulate people into remaining in dangerous situations or relationships. And I will also state that often yes, the people threatening suicide do often have many other issues in the background, I've seen it frequently. I've worked many shifts with an ambulance service and we get suicidal patients. And as an emotional support worker, again with lots of people threatening suicide.
Cheating is a massive deal, hence for thousands of years many cultures punished adultery with death. But i still stick with with my words. If you cheat you are wrong, and yes you caused tremendous hurt, but the suicide? No, that is their decision. And as I said earlier, I've seen too many accounts of people threatening suicide or self harm to manipulate people into remaining in dangerous situations or relationships. And I will also state that often yes, the people threatening suicide do often have many other issues in the background, I've seen it frequently. I've worked many shifts with an ambulance service and we get suicidal patients. And as an emotional support worker, again with lots of people threatening suicide.

Nope that's just stupid
LadyBronte · 56-60, F