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How would you feel if a close friend of your partner trash talks about your appearance to them and your partner considers what they said?

Also, what do you expect from your partner in such a situation?
Details appreciated! Thanks.
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iamnikki · 31-35, F
I would need my partner to defend me. To not let others talk down about me, even if he agrees.

If I'm wrong about something, still, DEFEND ME. If I'm wrong, tell me in private 😄
smiler2012 · 61-69
{@eryxx] well your parters friend must see you in a different light to your partner . obviously a side you partner is even happy with or never even considered your appearance.
Hmm tricky ... I personally think that using ones own judgement is best.
Lilymoon · F
He's gotta have my back all the way or no way. 🤷‍♀️
I have been in this situation.

You need to talk to your partner about it. Do they only consider what their friend says or do they agree and trash talk you as well?
Listening to a friend is fine.
Defending you would be better.
Trash talking you along with the friend is obviously not healthy.
@nonsensiclesnail she talked to her friend. Her friend said that my lips look too pink (which I know) and that I apply lipstick 😂. Then my girlfriend asked me to change the colour of my lips and make them look a bit darker. About few months ago, my girlfriend complimented a lot on my lips and how pink they look and how much she loves them. But when her friend said this to her, it seemed like she forgot what she liked.
@SW-User 🤔 start wearing blue lipstick. But just for her friend.
Magenta · F
I expect my partner to not allow them a place to voice that. Them considering it is BS. They should nip it in the bud and not tolerate it.
@Magenta what if they asked you change according to what their friend said? But then apologize?
Magenta · F
@SW-User Ridiculous. It sounds very immature to me. But then I am not young. ;-)
Maybe they don't care for how you dress but are embarrassed to say? You need to ask them, only they have the answer for what they think.
@Magenta yes very immature indeed. She later apologized saying that she knew her friend was gonna say such stuff about jealousy and the way she said it she ended up believing her for a moment and hence her wish came along to change me. She also mentioned about my abs and other things to my friend and she replied saying 'make a pickle out of his abs'. I am just shocked by all this. None of my friends would ever dare say anything about my girlfriend and they respect her a lot.
Stopmakingsense · 56-60, F
Sounds like Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Ohio and every military base. Boys boys are always boys. The boy cult is huge.
@Stopmakingsense these are girls in this case.
Stopmakingsense · 56-60, F
@SW-User wow. So it's really the same everywhere and even women behave like life's a Bud Light poster?
@Stopmakingsense seems so. Look, this is not a gender hating question. It is a genuine problem I am facing.
Ingwe · F
I know I've let myself go
@Ingwe what do you mean? 'Let yourself go'?
Ingwe · F
@SW-User 🤐
BananaBrown · 41-45, F
The “friend” should keep their opinion to themself. Not only is that rude to you, but also a shitty way to treat someone they are supposed to care about. It’s one thing to approach the topic in a concerned and caring way, but another entirely to trash talk the other person. Also, if my SO were to allow someone else to not only talk about me like that, but also to consider what they said as valuable input, then they can find a new SO.

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