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I Have A Boyfriend

I did until yesterday.

He spent a large portion of our relationship unemployed, and I was there to support him emotionally and financially as he was in a really low place. He's been coming out of his rut, but as he did he lost romantic feelings for me. He told me this last night when he broke up with me.

I've been on the fence about being with him for a while as it was hard to be the only support system. But because he was doing better emotionally and started working again I thought we were going to be okay and I was starting to feel optimistic for our future. We've spent 1.5 years together.

I ended up going back to his house to pick up a phone charger I didn't need and we smoked and talked for an hour. I left feeling better but prior I was distraught and emotional

I woke up an hour ago and I haven't been able to stop crying. I kind of want to call off work but as I was laying in bed last night, before I went back to his house, I realize I just don't know what do with myself. I might go back to working ridiculous 60-70 hour weeks because that's what I did before I started dating him. How are you supposed to spend time alone? I want to call him and cry on his shoulder like I did last night but I know he needs time for himself to sort out his emotions. I just don't know who else to go to
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I'm sorry that things have worked out this way for you. It seems particularly cruel when you have supported him through his hard times. Still, if the feelings aren't there anymore then there is little else that could have happened. My hope is that he didn't just delay what he knew was inevitable until he was financially solvent again.

There is little that you can do now other than to deal with it. You have been pitched into that place where nobody wants to be and where there is no quick fix. You have to go through it to get past it. Keeping busy is a good idea, but I'd give yourself at least a week or two to absorb what has happened and to deal with the inevitable lack of energy and drive.
BlueVeins · 22-25
I'm sorry. 😟 It's good to keep your schedule going when you're depressed, but don't work yourself to death to try and avoid your feelings.
ncgremlin · 61-69, M
I find it kind of odd that he breaks up with you when he started doing better and all. You were there for him when needed someone. Now that he is doing better he should be there for you and at least support you emotionally. You did so much for him.
ncgremlin · 61-69, M
@IntenseCookie that's true and I agree with you. He shouldn't be forced to have feelings for you if he doesnt have them but why when he starts doing better he has no romantic feelings for you any more. He should have known this before. I dont know. I just find it odd. Sorry for rambling.
IntenseCookie · 26-30, F
@ncgremlin No it's okay because I catch myself thinking the same thing. I can understand where he's coming from though. I feel like as your mental health improves/worsens you might lose emotions for certain people. I know even when I wasn't sure about our relationship I was confused because I genuinely enjoy spending my time with him and when I mentioned that he said he felt the same way-another part of why he delayed telling me for so long. We've experiences the same feelings just at different times
ncgremlin · 61-69, M
@IntenseCookie yeah I know what you mean. I just feel he should have something sooner and you two could have talked about it. You seem very nice and understanding. You would have been understanding with him. It's just let you know and like hey let's talk about this. Doesnt mean you would have stayed together. Just would have been more beneficial or something for both of you.
IFoundLife · 41-45, F
I am very sorry for what you had to undergo.. but don't call him for support. It will make you weaker and vulnerable.. stay strong and avoid him under any circumstance. You shall overcome..And always remember 'This moment shall pass'
Livingwell · 61-69, M
I’m very sorry. Try to take some “me” time and emotionally heal. Take care of yourself.
omg Cookie, I’m so so very sorry
Cantsayno · 56-60, M
Sounds to me that you’re going to be better off without him
TheArchitect · 36-40, M
His loss not yours
U deserve better than that. You hack the mind tough times dont last... Easy come... Easy go
basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
He sounds a bit ungrateful tbh. You supported him through so much and he just drops you?
IntenseCookie · 26-30, F
@basilfawlty89 He said he's spent a few months trying to figure out why he was feeling the way he was but he wasn't able to fix it. I know he wasn't trying to use me and he's been paying back the money I've lent him since he's started working

Part of me is upset I was there for him in his depression but my mental health hasn't been great and he isn't here for me in the same way. But I understand sometimes feelings fizzle out and you can't change that

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