I Feel Ugly
I feel fat and ugly since I've gained 65lbs I now have thick arms, a big belly and a roll under my chin. Men stare at my belly, women ask me if I'm pregnant, and my husband insists that I jog 15 km a day, because he didn't sign up for marrying a fat girl, and that he just wants his hot skinny wife back....Truth be told I gained all of this weight since I started taking my life saving medication, I've tried coming off the meds and I developed hypotension and a heart arrhythmia, even if I miss a dose my heart goes all out of whack. So here I am getting fat but still alive, my husband doesn't find me attractive anymore and let's me know that on a daily basis. And I feel like shit......and unattractive. But I know that I have inner beauty.though the nice thing is guys don't hit on me anymore.