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I Am Tired of America

I'm tired of some Americans stating The US is #1. I understand there are some things here that people can do that some countries can't do, such as criticize their president, express their thoughts about certain issues on social media, etc.

But to say that the US is #1 is false when there are many problems here that need work done. For example: the education system, infrastructure, the trillion dollar debt problem, the judicial system and so on.
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
I'm not American ... But I think there's two parts to this ... The first is that most Americans don't seem to know much about the rest of the world .. There bought up to believe it's the best ... Once that may have been true .... The second part is that while people believe that you don't have to change anything!
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
@Ynotisay: I'll answer your last paragraph guy first as it's the easiest ... I agree with everything you said there ... And I'll just comment that you can't stick your head in the sand and ignore digital press otherwise you get left behind.
And my comparison between Australia and the states was more along the lines of physical isolation and culture ... Here we were mainly British stock up until just after the war ... You guys always drew emigrants from a much wider net of cultures ... Food is a great example of cultural intermingling, the cuisines from various parts of the world that is now part of everyday life there ... Here we had to wait till the 50s to start getting away from meat and three veg British meals .. And I'm so glad we did!
Ynotisay · M
@ozgirl512: All I know is I've NEVER met an Aussie who wasn't a pretty cool and happy person. I actually did some work for a while trying to help introduce Netball to the U.S. A great example of one of the differences between the way our countries view things. It was a hard sell. :)
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
@Ynotisay: thanks... But I think we have just as many dick heads as other countries lol
Even with all of those issues it is still a better place to live than any other country.
nojudging · 61-69, M
Is this an informed comment? How many other country's have you live in?@hyg346:
Ynotisay · M
@nojudging: Bet you don't hear back on that one.
nojudging · 61-69, M
haha, I suspect you're right but a reply could be interesting.@Ynotisay:
Americans don't care about the debt problem. People say our last president was our best yet, but he ended up doubling our debt. People are getting dumber each year. The educational system needs a revamp. They believe everything they see on TV and that is a problem. Technology is becoming a problem for young adolescence.
THEBIGM · 56-60, M
If you think there are other nations that don't have all these issues plus more, then you are being fed falsehoods by whoever is giving you your news
@THEBIGM: I do not. I understand every country has its problems.
but we have the best cheeseburgers!
Ynotisay · M
The U.S. is FAR from being the "#1" country on earth. The Democratic Socialist countries get that nod.
We're #1 in military defense spending. Almost the same yearly budget as the rest of the world combined.
THEBIGM · 56-60, M
@Ynotisay: Which ones? Greece?
Ynotisay · M
@THEBIGM: Nah. You know how every year there are reports done on the "Best" countries based on quality of living, wages, crime, longevity, 'happiness,' pollution, education, etc? Yeah. That. Usually the same cast of characters. Switzerland, Norway, Sweden, Germany etc.
Sorry dude. Nothing a little MAGA won't cure though, right?
76starships · 46-50, M
I love America, but my goodness, does it have problems.
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
Canada and Denmark are better.
THEBIGM · 56-60, M
@Tastyfrzz: Yeah no drug problem in Denmark and while I love Canada, most of the country is just vast wilderness
lechatnoir · 26-30, F

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