What are those black things that show up, that cross the entire road?
So for months and months and months the road is clear. Then one day when you are driving you run over these two black things that are mounted to the road, and they are long enough that they cover both lanes.
Are they for getting speed limits of vehicles, and then they store that data, or send it back to somewhere? I've never known what they are, maybe you do, and you can explain it better than I can?
@DropTopDig We were driving on 695 East in Maryland, car flies past us by going into the shoulder, and I was already in the slow lane doing 5 over the speed limit.
I guess it's like that everywhere then :( I still haven't figured out why people need to do 85 in a 65, or 65 in a 45.
@DropTopDig I've actually calculated that too. You would need to do a constant 30mph over the limit, if you wanted to actually make up a couple of minutes, but that calculation is based on the roads being 100% clear with no other cars on them.
So many times I might have someone pass me because they think they'll get to their destination faster, then when we get to a red light, I'm behind them. Like, they even did 20mph over, and in the end, they didn't get anywhere, other than being one car in front of me lol.
@BackyardShaman Well the only problem I have is that it doesn't make any sense for why those are where they are on the road. We've lived here for 25 years and this is the first time I've seen those counters on this road, in this one spot. They're right in front of someone's home.