I Lost Someone Important to Me
Shadow From Past......
I'm captivated by her words, so full of wonder and excitement
Her faith in others is pure and untainted
To her the world is cozy and full of epiphanic discoveries
Her world is a place that I can only remember from a forgotten past
We shared a kiss
Passionate, prolonged, satisfying, contentful.
I've never felt so alive..
Our tongues touched and danced in each others mouths
She pulls away and giggles
Her smile forever etched in my minds eye
She seemed so far beyond her 40 years of life
Her body so responsive to my touch
She loves me and I her
If only we could be together !
No-one will believe me if I told them
So my feelings I hold them inside in a feeble attempt to hide them
She smells of Lilac and strawberry scented shampoo
I can hear her laugh while I reminisce on our time together
It's been 4 years since that day
Now she only exists in my dreams and hallucinations
Participation's no longer possible
If only I was dead I could hold her again
Until then, I will continue to see her in the only place I can
Under my eyelids...
I'm captivated by her words, so full of wonder and excitement
Her faith in others is pure and untainted
To her the world is cozy and full of epiphanic discoveries
Her world is a place that I can only remember from a forgotten past
We shared a kiss
Passionate, prolonged, satisfying, contentful.
I've never felt so alive..
Our tongues touched and danced in each others mouths
She pulls away and giggles
Her smile forever etched in my minds eye
She seemed so far beyond her 40 years of life
Her body so responsive to my touch
She loves me and I her
If only we could be together !
No-one will believe me if I told them
So my feelings I hold them inside in a feeble attempt to hide them
She smells of Lilac and strawberry scented shampoo
I can hear her laugh while I reminisce on our time together
It's been 4 years since that day
Now she only exists in my dreams and hallucinations
Participation's no longer possible
If only I was dead I could hold her again
Until then, I will continue to see her in the only place I can
Under my eyelids...