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I Believe In Miracles

Everything is Quantum.... including you and I. Once you understand how quantum behavior works, we begin to believe them and apply them despite what our eyes say.... We begin to believe in the miraculous and that enables us to live more miraculously. That is a powerful worldview!

Do you know what the issue is with this world? Everyone wants a magical solution to their problems but everyone refuses to believe in magic. ~Alice In Wonderland

I believe in magic and miracles! I am an unlimited being with the power to create my world if I upgrade my world-view and my self-view. I have the power within me to change my life for the better. I am only limited by my beliefs. I reject the conditioning the world forced on my by my race, class, gender and nationality- I am a product of the universe and as such... I am unlimited.

I have an unlimited capacity for love and compassion, abundance and peace, health and kindness, gratitude and joy. I choose to exercise my unlimited capacity on myself and love myself so that I can better express love to others. I am a powerful creator of my reality and I choose to create miracles in my life!

How exciting a time is this!
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SoFine · 46-50, F
Yes, it is indeed an exciting time to be alive.

I see that you have a copy of ACIM.
Yes, it is hard to read. My copy is about to fall apart. The book, is not your usual Christian way, that is the OLD way, of making people feel bad. This won't .... make you bad and wrong old teachings do.

I have many teachers that I get wisdom from, we may have similar books that we have both read. Do you know of Kenji Kumara he has many Quantum Lightweaving meditations that I have done, very helpful.

You are free to ask me, any questions you may have ......

Peace be with you ...
aniave · 46-50, F
@SoFine: I am unfamiliar with Kenji Kumara but I will look him up. Thanks! Also, I don't think I know what ACIM is. What does that stand for?
SoFine · 46-50, F
@aniave: ACIM - Is the book - A Course in Miracles - That will give you peace of mind and let FEAR go.

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