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I Am Not Okay

I feel as though I am losing myself, slipping away, and I don't know how to make it stop. It gets like this a lot, to the point where I don't even see the point in living. But I have to carry on for everyone else, and because I feel like I have no real reason to feel the way that I do. I am so angry about everything all of the time, and jealous. I can't socialise with people easily because I just can't relate, and my brain is really messed up in how it thinks about a lot of things. I'm stuck in this weird no mans land of knowing something is wrong but also feeling like nothing will change. I don't know. I haven't explained this very well, I'm sorry. I don't even know what I'm expecting to get out of this.
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maybe read more adventure books to take your mind off all that.. sigh
its better than nothing tho 😊
loveyourselfalways00 · 22-25, F
@ZeroG: true aha
i like gardening :)
RealMustangGuy · 61-69, MVIP
Understand that your age is a tough age to be. I know this is hard to believe right now, but life will get easier and better for you.

As you move into adulthood those things that you feel are burdens and impediments now could well turn into wonderful gifts to have. Life will change for the better.
loveyourselfalways00 · 22-25, F
@RealMustangGuy: I hope so, thank you :)
You made a good start by being honest about how you feel. I think we all go through it a time in our lives. WE are perfectly imperfect
loveyourselfalways00 · 22-25, F
@cowboysoul: Thank you :)
SerenitiesScars · 36-40, M
I understood it.. *Hugs*
loveyourselfalways00 · 22-25, F
@OpenArmPolicy: Thank you <3
Krazykatie · 31-35, F
Me too. Crazy wants i dont dare satisfy are consuming me
loveyourselfalways00 · 22-25, F
@Confusedcutie: I understand this so much even though you haven't mentioned specifics. It's like there's a rational, normal part of me that knows my brain is wanting the wrong things, but I can't stop it.
Ready2LLL · 46-50, F
Seems you explained the way I feel sometimes perfect, it stinks feeling stuck
loveyourselfalways00 · 22-25, F
@Satisfiedlove: Yeah it really does.. sorry you do too <3
saintsong · 41-45, F
I sometimes feel those negative feelings as well for no apparent reason then when I dwell on them my thoughts become negative too! In my honest christian schizo affective opinion I believe that they are evil spirits rather than emotions or a chemical imbalance and I call them on it and refuse to let the devil make me feel these negative feelings like as if they were my own so I cast them at the foot of the cross and chose to be happy.....there is no way that I'm letting the devil steal my joy.
loveyourselfalways00 · 22-25, F
@saintchantal: thanks for your advice :)
Would be Awful if You Went Away
loveyourselfalways00 · 22-25, F
@ticklemonzter: thank you
Very Welcome <3
Watch the movie sucker punch may be it will inspire you

Very wonderful quote at the end of it
loveyourselfalways00 · 22-25, F
@inlovewithlove: Thanks! Do you know where I can find it?
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
You will happen on some answers. As a great man once wrote, "It's getting hard to be someone but it all works out".
loveyourselfalways00 · 22-25, F
@uncalled4: Thank you :)
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
@loveyourselfalways00: You're welcome. :)
caccoon · 36-40
Aww, you poor thing... It's good to talk about this stuff!!

Have you ever talked to anyone about it before?

Are you comfortable talking to a counselor about it, at school? (If you have one at your school?)
loveyourselfalways00 · 22-25, F
@caccoon: Thank you so much, your words have been quite calming <3
caccoon · 36-40
@loveyourselfalways00: I'm happy to hear that!! Have a lovely evening. You can PM me anytime if you want to talk. :) <3 I will just listen!
loveyourselfalways00 · 22-25, F
@caccoon: Thank you so much!!

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