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are you or were you once a heartbreaker?

don't break mine pretty please 馃惐
poisonouscupcake22-25, F
i mean i rejected a few people but i don鈥檛 think i鈥檓 a heartbreaker, i try to be nice in friendly way馃グ
Spokeskitties7546-50, M
@poisonouscupcake the knife to my throat was pretty convincing... but you did use the back of it... so it was pretty friendly...馃
poisonouscupcake22-25, F
@Spokeskitties75 that鈥檚 what my mind control told you to say馃樇
I've broken a couple hearts 馃槦 But I'm sure they found someone better!
th3r0n41-45, M
I always tried not to, but I suppose I鈥檝e hurt a few in the distant past, with no intention to, but life isn鈥檛 always easy
thepreposterouspanda36-40, M
Once upon a time, but I've put that "me" far behind at this point haha.
I was once but now i am just an asshole 馃槂
DragonFruit61-69, M
@SStarfish No, you鈥檙e not! 鉂わ笍 馃
@DragonFruit just to other bitchy assholes 馃槃
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how can I break it if its already broken? 馃
can't love everybody who decides they l潭o潭v潭e潭 lust me. ;)
DragonFruit61-69, M
Maybe once....but that was many years ago.
It was unintentional lol
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yeah always hehe ;) <3 wanna role play?
ive been on both sides of this whole thing though and more often than not its mine that gets smashed to pieces. dumped them once or twice but got dumped so many times....
I was, I never wanted to be.


Got a shiner like that one dedicated to me.

of all my exes too she uh...

let's just say was the most educational about what to do.
DrWatson70-79, M
I know I have broken someone's heart.
Disposal36-40, M
No, mine was broken, crushed into powder and snorted by some crazy Massachusetts meth brunette with whore syndrome
No, but I met a few ballbusters, neck twisters, pain in the asses, snd brainwashers

They were the best 馃槏
ginnyfromtheblock26-30, F
no i鈥檓 very soft 馃グ
ginnyfromtheblock26-30, F
@BadKarma415 i鈥檒l break your dick too 馃槉
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ginnyfromtheblock26-30, F
@BadKarma415 you鈥檙e just very hard
Spokeskitties7546-50, M
Nope... it鈥檚 only been a one way street in my life... I鈥檝e been the heartbreakie
Were. It comes back to bite you in the ass later on in life don鈥檛 worry
Yes I did that..but it was done to me too. Win and lose, give and take.
OldHippie61-69, M
A few in my younger days to my great regret now.
SarahAndSamantha46-50, F
Never. I was the heartbroked
ReneeT61-69, M
I never thought of myself that way.
uh sorta?
Is the strawberrykitty a heartbreaker
@strawberrykitty already and so young .u must b pretty
strawberrykitty22-25, F
@Lilnonames i get love letters here and there hehe. have to start young
@strawberrykitty haha馃挄

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