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Favor paddling students?

Yes or no to chastise disruptive or misbehaving students. What are your guidelines if in favor.
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Are you guys for real?

States prohibiting all corporal punishment of children, including in the home:

2020 - Japan, Seychelles
2019 - Georgia, South Africa, France, Republic of Kosovo
2018 - Nepal
2017 - Lithuania
2016 - Mongolia, Montenegro, Paraguay, Slovenia
2015 - Benin, Ireland, Peru
2014 - Andorra, Estonia, Nicaragua, San Marino, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Malta
2013 - Cabo Verde, Honduras, North Macedonia
2011 - South Sudan
2010 - Albania, Congo (Republic of), Kenya, Tunisia, Poland
2008 - Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Republic of Moldova, Costa Rica
2007 - Togo, Spain, Venezuela, Uruguay, Portugal, New Zealand, Netherlands
2006 - Greece
2005 - Hungary
2004 - Romania, Ukraine
2003 - Iceland
2002 - Turkmenistan
2000 - Germany, Israel, Bulgaria
1999 - Croatia
1998 - Latvia
1997 - Denmark
1994 - Cyprus
1989 - Austria
1987 - Norway
1983 - Finland
1979 - Sweden

Territories prohibiting all corporal punishment of children, including in the home:

Aruba (Netherlands), Curaçao (Netherlands), Faroe Islands (Denmark), French Guiana (France), Greenland (Denmark), Guadeloupe (France), Jersey (UK), Martinique (France), Mayotte (France), Pitcairn Islands (UK), Réunion (France), St Barthelemy (France), St Maarten (Netherlands), St Martin (France), Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands (Norway), Wallis and Futuna Islands (France)
Strictgram · 70-79, C
@SapphicHeart I note the US is not on the list and never will be. Shed some more tears.
@Strictgram Last I checked, caning the feet of kids was child abuse in all 50 states. Can’t wait for you to find out the hard way!
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OnlyRhonda · 36-40, F
Yes- for bullying or other behaviour that injures or scares other students.
OnlyRhonda · 36-40, F
@MsAnnThropy perhaps the other methods were less successful
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OnlyRhonda · 36-40, F
@MsAnnThropy I believe bullying in schools increased after it ended
Strictgram · 70-79, C
All 50 US states allow reasonable CP. Parents who follow the law are good parents not child molesters. My guess is you're a brainwashed, young liberal. I will give liberals credit for being able to hoodwink a generation of young people. Fortunately as kids age they wise up and realize the error of their ways. What is your age and educational achievement?
Strictgram · 70-79, C
@SW-User Evil marxist.
@Strictgram Nope. That’s you and your ilk. You even had t shirts made proclaiming your allegiance to Russia:


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Strictgram · 70-79, C
@SW-User Neanderthal.
Sp*nko! @Strictgram
Worked for me back in school learned your lesson real fast
Strictgram · 70-79, C
I got notice from SW that my topic received complaints and I am subject to sanctions. I took no position on school cp simply asked the question. If someone has a problem with the discussion have the cohones to write me personally instead of being a crybaby.
Strictgram · 70-79, C
@SW-User Was it you that complained? Be honest.
No, I’ve never reported you.I prefer to troll you, to be quite honest. But your original post isn’t walled off. Everyone can see it as soon as it goes up, and not everybody here is in favor of CP, as you can see just from the replies to this post.

I’ve been a teacher for 25 years, most of it spent with very troubled students in an alternative setting, who have come form horribly abusive backgrounds, and I can tell you that the progress I made with them wasn’t done through more punishment. That doesn’t phase them. Setting firm but fair expectations and letting them know you’re always available to listen have served me pretty well, and I have worked with high-intensity populations from the beginning.

With that being said:

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acpguy · C
@Strictgram I am sure I will get complaints also for my post as I am all for what you say. Snowflakes / liberals are creating worthless citizens today. My wife teaches at our state college and I cannot believe how stupid the snowflakes are she has and they have to pass graduate them unless they miss classes entirely. She has parents coddling these kids per the phone calls she gets from parents asking what they can do for their poor child to get a better grade or that they did not deserve "C" but should have gotten an "A" as they did shoe up for class most of the time despite not passing tests or turning in homework. Liberal helicopter parents are producing future homeless and worthless citizens.
StrictSouthernHOH · 46-50, M
Yes, with consent of the student's parent or legal guardian or the student if he or she is over the age of 18.
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@Strictgram That you and your Reich wing ilk are traitorous POS’s?

Strictgram · 70-79, C
@SW-User Sub human at best.
Strictgram’s manifesto:

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Strictgram · 70-79, C
@SW-User America hating, founders hating, anti Constitution leftist fool.
@Strictgram Nope. You and your Reich-Wing ilk are the America haters. You proclaim your allegiance to Russia quite openly:

You and your Reich-Wing ilkalso hate the founders and the Constitution, as evidence by your traitorous intent to subvert the democratic process by fomenting a violent insurrection to keep Velveeta Voldemort in office beyond his term after he was thrashed in the presidential election of 2020. You even had t-shirts made for that, too:

But don’t worry-we Democrats have a mission statement we like to follow:

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I can just imagine you in front of the classroom on the first day of school, laying down the law:

Strictgram · 70-79, C
@SW-User Nice self portrait.
@Strictgram Why are you referring to the most flattering selfie you ever took that way?

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Carpediem1953 · 70-79, M
@chrisCA O my yes - and I hope so too
chrisCA · M
@Carpediem1953 Really? I would find that disturbing if a teacher was using CP to satisfy a kink.
Carpediem1953 · 70-79, M
@chrisCA they had a job to do. I did not see any reactions to cp but I am sure there was. I have no basis for it except instinct
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badminton · 61-69, MVIP
If it's role-play between consenting adults, then no problem. However, on school kids, non-consensually, that's a NO.

If they misbehave take away their smart phones, they will REALLY hate that. Not as much fun as paddling I grant you, but more ethical.
Uh, yes they do. It’s held until a parent signs for it, after a discussion with the principal.

Strictgram · 70-79, C
@SW-User When I taught there were no cell phones. We did have running water and electricity
@badminton “Not as much fun as paddling.” You hit the nail right on the head for OP, I’m afraid.
No. We are in 2020. I can’t believe people are still asking about stuff like this.
Strictgram · 70-79, C
@SW-User Snake.
@Strictgram Methinks I’m annoying a far-right loon!

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badminton · 61-69, MVIP
Take away their smart phones. They will really hate that.

Paddling should be for consenting adults only.
chrisCA · M
@badminton It is something from another era, like ink wells.
Ingwe · F
we got the cane /the ruler when we were at school

and I on the rare occasion gave my son some good hard slaps on his behind ...not nearly enough because look how cocky he is now
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@Strictgram I should say not. I mean, just look at the state of you. You’d frighten that poor man to death!

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Strictgram · 70-79, C
@SW-User Ignoramus.
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Reich-Wing fascist supporter of insurrection against the federal government and lionized of traitors!

As far as BLM, Strictgram(aka Corporal Punishment) is following this playbook:

Strictgram · 70-79, C
@SW-User Jackass.
acpguy · C
This is a great post👍🙂👏🇺🇸
Tune in the week for:

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basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
Child molesters deserve a bullet to the head
@Strictgram Nope. You and your Reich-Wing traitorous insurrectionist and Russia loving ilk are the real Anti-Americans, you even had t shirts made expressing your contempt for out country’s constitution, your love of Russia, and your hatred for anyone not White Anglo Saxon Protestant:

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