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madasalizard · 36-40, M
Still as positive as before I see 😜
madasalizard · 36-40, M
We have talked, and you were sulking then too.
IAmNothing · 31-35, F
@madasalizard I honestly don't remember
madasalizard · 36-40, M
I only remember because your positive energy stands out from a mile off 😂

I think this might be worth your time to read. It's true some men HAVE to be with a 'hot catch' on their arm because that feeds their self-esteem. It's also true that there are lots of men who care more about other things. The following is by a man who did NOT fall for a woman their friends drooled over. If you knock off the excuses about why you're not good enough and focus on being the best you that you can be, there is someone out there for you. Now, if you reject Mr. Average because you're waiting for Mr. Breathtaking. well, that's shallow too. MOST PEOPLE ARE AVERAGE. That's why it's called average.

One more case in point and then the statement from the guy. Whoopi Goldberg has a lot of great qualities, but I never heard anybody call her physically gorgeous. She and Ted Danson, Mr. Breathtaking from Cheers, had a long relationship. It happens more often than you think.

There has only ever been one girl that I have had a true deep and powerful connection with, and to many she was not seen as attractive. But to me she was so attractive, I could not quite put a finger on. Now I am not saying that i was just attracted to her personality although she had the best personality of them all, funny, kind, caring, really a lot of fun. There was something about the way she looked that I was attracted too as well, many of my friends were not physically attracted to her but I was? I think it may have been because I grew up in a small town and we didn't have many options to choose from but this is real. I was physically attracted to someone that was not attractive to other people. When I have lived in more rural area’s your options are less, which makes you not as picky. When you live in a huge city however, and have options left right and center then that’s when i feel it can be a lot easier to become more picky. This girl I was with though had a life and she dressed really well, she strived to be fit wasn’t the fittest looking girl but if i know the girl is into fitness and won't just let herself go then I will invest my time in her because I know she can get hotter then she is. She cared about me and showed it without being needy which really pulled me in. In essence I can say that yes I have many options in the girls department but the girl I have connected with in a way i have yet to experience up to this point was a girl that society wouldn’t consider attractive based on physical appearance. She was however very beautiful in my eyes. I still really don't know exactly why?
IAmNothing · 31-35, F
@Mamapolo2016 I want to have someone at least average but I'm stuck with mr.ugly all the time sending me messages on dating sites
@IAmNothing Let me tell you something about people that you probably won't heed, but it's worth a shot.

Ugly does not matter a tinker's damn a short while into the relationship. Neither does handsome. The gorgeous guy your friends go ga-ga over can make you so miserable you'll wish you'd died before you met him. Ugly guys can be rotten too, but they can be very beautiful, in the way they love and care for you. The wrapping doesn't matter if the gift is a rotten tomato.

There. I said my say. Give somebody a chance and see what happens, or live lonely and sad. Your choice.
Still4him · 41-45, F
Because you don't love yourself. Looking at your posts. You got some self hate sis. You really need to work on that.
IAmNothing · 31-35, F
@Still4him I wouldn't hate myself if I wasn't this way.
Still4him · 41-45, F
You don't HAVE to be...we all have a choice. You just not tired enough to want to change or have no support
Still4him · 41-45, F
You can't wait to be rescued. Starts with ourselves. Period. Not nobody else.
Genieinabottle · 51-55, M
I would (literally) kill to be your age again. I mean i wouldnt want to be a midget or a hunchback and have to start over but you have SO MUCH FUCKING TIME to fix whatever is wrong. Literally anything can be changed, if you truly are fugly and i bet that is not the case you have DECADES to earn money and pay for plastic surgery until you are a Barbie doll look alike or whateverr your ideal you is. Exercise for the next year solid and have the most beautiful body, get lean, get muscluar, get thick and curvy, get however you want to be - or get how you want people to see you, get however makes you happy. You have TIME! Time is the only thing you cannot replenish, your youth is a fucking gift, God all mighty do something with it. Leave the hating ourselfves to the fat middle aged people whose clock has run down...
Still4him · 41-45, F
@Genieinabottle but she doesn't hear us tho....she's gonna look back and remember what we been saying! You said it the way it is and she needs to wake up! Life's too short!
IAmNothing · 31-35, F
@Still4him Look. By time I reach my goal weight of roughly 100lbs I will be so old nobody would want me because of my senior citizen status.
Still4him · 41-45, F
Start finding something you like to do and enjoy. Stop doing workouts you hate. But be active. Every day. At something.
Trust yourself for once. Take that chance. Give yourself the years it took you to gain as it did when you drop the weight. Now you can much easier than waiting until your my age.
iQuit · F
What do you think it is that makes you ugly?

Many can love you for many of reasons- some can also hate you. Truth is people feel so much but hide it.

You might think there is no one out there who feels for you but chances are they do (even if it's a little bit) they just do not and have not shown their true feelings.

.... I'm curious
In your life, how many people have you shown that you love them?
I doubt that. Maybe you just haven't met the right one yet.
You never know, they could be just around the corner.
IAmNothing · 31-35, F
@PrivateHell doubt it
You never know. Besides, you couldn't be uglier than I am.
unknownpoetx · 36-40, M
not only looks but mainly mentality too
Genieinabottle · 51-55, M
Lets see a picture. We will let you know if thats why. Sure, people are shallow assholes and it could be why but you are proabbly not ugly. A small portion of people are truly hot and the equal amount are truly fucking ugly and the rest of us fall somewhere in between (though i used to be hot ;) .....
IAmNothing · 31-35, F
@Genieinabottle there's one on my profile somewhere
Thats OK we are not all movie stars
Captainawesome · 36-40, M
I'm sure your not *hugs*
IAmNothing · 31-35, F
@IAmNothing if that's the case. Let me ask you something, what is your favorite thing (Like a book, movie or whatever comes to mind)? Because I'm sure you'll be fine, in finding someone that shares those interests.

I guess you just need to be more open; I know it can be difficult with having low self-esteem. Just be brave, and you never know when you'll make a connection with someone

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