The physics of collective consciousness, are you willing to play your part 😜
Learning that consciousness is basically an EM field (which is resonantly coupled to the vacuum field), and its sources are the cosmic systems of Sun, Earth and the Moon (Grandpierre, 1996d), together with the natural sources of the biosphere, especially the natural fields into which we can tune most easily, the physical field emitted by the human organisms, we may be able to measure and broadcast wave fields which heal the stress, intensify, galvanise, correcting the distortions of the natural fields, like stress and alienation, and then to broadcast fields which induce in us urge to participate in the collective forms of consciousness. Measuring the healing spectra of special sites like water-springs, nascent forests, solar and lunar oscillations of the earthly magnetosphere, we may be able to sample them and re-radiate them in forms of Schumann-waves.