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I Want to Share Something

The Best laid Plans of Mice and Men

Ten years ago, I came up with a somewhat dubious plan. I had just lost my beloved mother so, perhaps, formulating any strategies about my long-term future wasn’t the best thing for me to be doing at the time. Anyway, the plan was to get rid of everything that I owned (and by that, I mean EVERYTHING!), don a backpack and, travel the world.

It’s been a really, really tough ten years. Tougher than I ever imagined life could be for me. But, on Thursday, 12th December, I donned a backpack (…………OK, OK, OK, it’s two backpacks, a large duffel bag and………a Sainsbury’s carrier bag) and left Hertford.

Hertford, the place which has been my temporary home and haven for the last year. Thanks to a select few (and rather amazing) individuals, I have been able to sort my life out and make that “dubious” plan a reality.

So, on Sunday I leave the UK and head for my first stop, Calais. From there, I will visit as much of continental Europe as possible, a few North African countries and, some of the Middle East. I’m going to be taking photos and writing stories about the things that I see and experience.

For now, I’m in Dover. It’s a bit of a weird place. On the one hand, it’s a busy port, a gateway to Continental Europe. On the other, it’s rundown and more than a little bedraggled. It has a rich history, Dover Castle dates back to the 11th Century and has, within its grounds, one of only three surviving Roman-era lighthouses in the world.

I’m sitting by a window in the hotel lounge, the sky is blue and the sun is lighting up the Castle. The Union Jack flutters in the breeze. But around me are housing estates, motorways and, generic shopping centres. All of the buildings which speak to the character of the town are, as near as damnit, derelict. It’s pretty sad really.

Then again, maybe it’s me. Maybe I’m sad to be leaving.

Obviously, I’m happy to be embarking on this adventure but, there’s no denying, a part of me is sad.

I wish I knew why!
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That is incredible. I wish you the best on your epic journey
I hope to read about your adventures
Well, some say that all life is a journey and as the poet Basho added, "the journey itself is home". I travelled a bit in my younger years. Safe journey.
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
Good luck on your journey, my friend. Always take the road less traveled and please stay in touch.


room101 · 51-55, M
@sarabee1995 Years ago, I read Bel Canto by Ann Patchet (a movie of it was released in 2018 starring Julianne Moore). Anyhooooo, I noted this quote from the book.

"It makes you wonder. All the brilliant things we might have done with our lives if only we suspected we knew how."

I've remembered that I do know how 🙂
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
@room101 Awesome quote. And of course you know how. Iyf that I have no doubt!

Bon voyage!
Why do you want to leave your home?
Good luck@room101
room101 · 51-55, M
@SW-User Thank you. Morocco is on my list. Probably be there in March.
Early spring would be good @room101
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
I doubt man had anything to do with it. (Hitchhikers Guide)
room101 · 51-55, M
@AthrillatheHunt Great to meet another fan 🤝
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
You deleted comments I take it somebody didn't agree with you 😄
room101 · 51-55, M
@JohnOinger Not really. Well, I suppose I disagreed with her. She didn't take that too well and the whole thing degenerated to a tit-for-tat. So, I deleted the tit-for-tat nonsense but left the core of the disagreement in place.
room101 · 51-55, M
@SumKindaMunster Try again munster. Don't worry, I won't delete your comments. They will stay here for all to see.
swirlie · F
Obviously, I’m happy to be embarking on this adventure but, there’s no denying, a part of me is sad. I wish I knew why!

I discovered many years ago (at the age of 10) that when we feel sad for no apparent reason, yet we respond emotionally 'as if' something had happened that made us feel sad at some point in our recent past, it is because the sadness we feel did not originate in our current lifetime.

The unaccounted-for sadness we feel today originated from an event that occurred in a previous lifetime of which we 'carried forward' the unforgiven aspects of that ancient event, which now plays out in our mind 'as if' the emotional aspect of it had only recently happened. In other words, our sadness from an unknown source is nothing more than our 'remembering', but we are nonetheless unable to connect the dots.

Even crap we really did experience in the childhood of our current lifetime we tend to 'get over' with time and lay it to rest once and for all. But the unidentifiable sadness you speak of did not come from this lifetime which is why you cannot put your finger on the source. If it happened in this lifetime, you would remember the finer details surrounding that sadness. But it didn't! Only the unforgiven memory remains to seemingly haunt us.
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
@room101 Your hypocrisy is legendary. Thank you for continuing to demonstrate that to me. 😆
room101 · 51-55, M
@SumKindaMunster Pray tell, what hypocrisy would that be?

Do you mean that, after the discussion degenerated to sheer nonsense, I deleted our subsequent comments? Or did that escape you?

Yeah, pretty different from your MO.
@swirlie Hi, I think that all experiences will stay with us until their lesson is fully learned and integrated. Pushing things aside, seeking to forget or reject them, is not really an option.

My trust/faith is that Reality is truly for us/with us. Acceptance is the key.

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