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Alone in the apartment for three days!

Roommate is out of town going to her little sister's college graduation, so I've got the place to myself! Now to find some fun things to do in her absence, like get food she doesn't like, and... I don't know, do something cool, I guess.
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Viper · M
What foods do she not like, that you do?

Gotta at least walk around with less clothing some, just to see if you like it.

You can turn your music or sound up louder.
FaeLuna · 31-35, F
@Viper He was complaining that you spend too much money at his business? Uh... this guy should just go home and let his wife run things. Or better yet, she should hire a competent partner to run the place.
Viper · M
@FaeLuna so what did you do different while she was gone?
FaeLuna · 31-35, F
@Viper Got some exotic foods and lounged about more freely than usual, but that's about it. Oh, and I guess I played music louder than normal.
AnthroKenji · 36-40, M
Same, brother is house sitting for his friend across town so that means, Pizza tonight, horror movie and gaming (he takes up all the data).
FaeLuna · 31-35, F
@AnthroKenji Sounds like a good night to me!
AnthroKenji · 36-40, M
@FaeLuna Yes, maybe I'll move the xbox to the living room lol
losthorizons · 51-55, M
Cool. Invite me. We can have fun😁
Unlearn · 41-45, M
Do not watch exorcism of Emily rose
JoePourMan · 61-69, M
basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
Get stoned and binge watch King of the Hill.
FaeLuna · 31-35, F
@basilfawlty89 Ooh, good choice!
Aysel · F
Or Barney & Friends... @basilfawlty89
ViciDraco · 41-45, M
No roommate, no pants 🤣
FaeLuna · 31-35, F
@ViciDraco Precisely!

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