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I Am Against Torture

I love how people can be so quick to say that the most heinous criminals (serial killers, child molesters, etc.) should be subject to torture. I guarantee if you actually witnessed someone being tortured in the worst ways imaginable, you would not be wishing that on any human being. If you still would then you have as much issues as any murderer or pedophile.
kayoshin · 41-45, M
I agree but not on your reasons. Simply the legal system avoids such penalties because the system is not perfect there is always the chance to find out your criminal or pedophile was falsely accused and it's an actual invoicent person. If you torture and murder them you can't ever give them back a chance at life as you (hopefully ) can for people simply imprisoned.
As for being as bad as the evil you are fighting... Sometimes that's what it takes. If I had absolute certainty (for example witnessing mysel) of the guilt of a criminal or rapist I would have no problem in torturing or killing them. Someone dead can't recidivate and I don't believe in reformation for some crimes.
Carver · 31-35, F
@kayoshin 🤦‍♀️
lost213 · 46-50, M
@kayoshin agreed.
ThroughMyEyes · 61-69, M
Just pry that you personally never have a love one involved in any actions. It can change even the sweetest of people to want total revenge. Try not to tell others how they should or should not feel unless you have walked in the same shoes.
Carver · 31-35, F
@ThroughMyEyes But that is all under the assumption that everyone can't control their emotions.
ThroughMyEyes · 61-69, M
@Carver That's correct never assume anyone. We are humans we all react differently we all take loss in our own ways. Every thing for every one should be taken case by case. Know all the facts before ever generalizing this topic and know when you do you can be bringing up horrible memories that someone my be here to escape. Just my thoughts
Carver · 31-35, F
@ThroughMyEyes Well thanks but I stand by my points. Even if I were to become so overwhelmed with emotion under the circumstances you named that my perspective on this would change, that wouldn't make what I've here said any less true.
lost213 · 46-50, M
i just believe that the punishment should fit the crime.. a person kills multiple people. then we put them in a cell for life. 3hots and a cot? nope! its not right. just like the people who murdered my son. if i were to come acrosss them it would not be a good thing..
Depends on the level of torture

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