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I Challenge You to Challenge Me to Write, stolen from @aly89

I Challenge You to Challenge Me to Write, stolen from @aly89

The challenge is easy, but can it be done?

The rules are simple.

1. Pick a group here on SW. (it can be one that I've added or haven't , if I already am part of the group make sure I don't have an actual story with it) *check my profile to see if it is a group I'd enjoy writing for*
2. Challenge me to write a story to go with it.
3. If I do write the story I will give you credit for the idea to write said story.
4. Wait to see story.

Simple right? But can it be done, that is the true question.
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Coppercoil · M
you lost me.. too complicated. But you're a really cool chick, so no doubt it will work out well.
Coppercoil · M
@SpoiledRottenPassengerPrincess ok.. so far what do you love most about your new piercing?
@Coppercoil I'll work on that this evening
Coppercoil · M
Kerrmit84 · 41-45, M
I challenge you to write about "i have a bucket list"
ive stolen this challenge to.
AlyAngel · F
I challenge you to write about the 1st week of being a mommy
@AlyAngel I will try, i almost died and dont remember much. But I have a few memories
AlyAngel · F
@SpoiledRottenPassengerPrincess Oh noes, pregnancy complications? I had them both with my kids.
AlyAngel · F
I hope you get some good topics!
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