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Das Leben kann ein Zugunglück sein, wenn man nicht über seinen Verlauf nachdenkt

Nobody gets guidance the whole way through, we know where we are going only after we become adults and with that gain personal insights, otherwise we just feel immortal, as children and few know the costs of the ticket on the train!

Life can be a train wreck if you meander with no thought for your destination. Death is always with us, a spooky ghost and monster hidden from all who shun its encounter. None of us truly appreciate the fact that since the Loss of Eden we have one project, one prospect, the end of life!

I am twenty three years old, twenty four next month, and my life to date has been one of education, and being educated. Kindergarten to primary school, and into secondary school, tertiary and university. Two degrees, and here I am at the train station! But a ticket to...?

Whether I continue this journey out to new adventures. Go West young woman! Or, do I go the way of dreams and become a bride in sackcloth? These decisions are discussions I must have with myself. Long discussions in my sacred thicket! Long, but there is a need to hurry, for my service is vital!
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DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Consider very well my friend. You are at the Crux right now. A major crux! And certain people know it better than yourself.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@Bc8627 Die Menschheit ist nichts anderes als ein Produkt der Veränderung.

Das sieht man in der Natur.
Das sieht man an allem. Sogar die Natur selbst wird alles auslöschen. Das ist Veränderung
MrAverage1965 · 61-69, M
@Bc8627 that is a very very big decision and it would mean huge changes as I am sure you are aware.
Always remember that whatever you decide no decision is final. You can always change your mind, unless of course the decision is to have children.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@MrAverage1965 it might be more than you know. This is a vow she is taking and in her heart. I can understand why that option isn't feasible.

This is for life in her heart! And not something that can be easily changed.

I fully understand vows!
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
I find from age 20-27 is a real struggle to figure out what path to choose in life.
enjoyingitnow · 61-69, M
Just keep your self worth at the top and do what you have a passion for. In a perfect world that is what you went to school for if not you are intuitive educated and articulate so the world is open for your choosing. Stay away from bad habits so as to be able to apply one hundred percent of your capabilities to what ever you choose. Enjoy life as it comes to you and you will be fine. I toast to your future. :)

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