Longpatrol · 31-35, M
"It" is the situation that you can't change no matter what you do. Just have to accept it and work around it. Don't waste your time sweating over it bcuz it's just a waste of liquid.

It’s about accepting happenings. Or acting like you’re accepting happenings. That’s heavy
cycleman · 61-69, M
get accepting, you say you "have no idea", accept that and just keep up with that and not let it be a bother.
GeorgeTBH · 31-35, M
😱 that's what i say all the time lol
SpoiledRottenPassengerPrincess · 36-40, F
@GeorgeTBH me too. Everytime something happens out of my control that is my default setting.
GeorgeTBH · 31-35, M
@SpoiledRottenPassengerPrincess same i end up saying it a lot on here
Coppercoil · M
Well.. this post itself is what it is.. 😔

I think they don't even have a clue what it is.
HannahSky · F
Ikr but what is It 🤔