rckt148 · 61-69, M
Brother they don't have anything like meal on wheels there ?
Or people from a church that would check on you ?
Or people from a church that would check on you ?
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Anonymartyr · M
@rckt148 i have never been able to adequately fill my time since I could no longer work. That is part of the reason I started advocating.
rckt148 · 61-69, M
@Anonymartyr Well you know I know
Here I try to be all things to all men that I might win some
and without trying to preach ,but teach as the door opens
I plant seed
and when I am busy ,my mind is not on my pain
Trust me Brother I get it ,,I have been here alone except the weekend when my son is home ,my daughter stops by a few times a week
Until lately doing laundry was hell ..I have enough clothes to last me a month and have shorts and a shirt every day
Meals I pop in the microwave ,,not the meals I used to cook that took all day
Here I try to be all things to all men that I might win some
and without trying to preach ,but teach as the door opens
I plant seed
and when I am busy ,my mind is not on my pain
Trust me Brother I get it ,,I have been here alone except the weekend when my son is home ,my daughter stops by a few times a week
Until lately doing laundry was hell ..I have enough clothes to last me a month and have shorts and a shirt every day
Meals I pop in the microwave ,,not the meals I used to cook that took all day
Anonymartyr · M
@rckt148 it would take me years to save up for a second hand microwave oven and my special diets (3 separate) preclude most things microwavable anyway.
WineandCoffee · 51-55, F
That sounds dreadful...it’s really sad to hear that your hurting and are hungry, no need to explain as I’ve read the other comments and your replies ...
if you can try to save a few cents or I’m not sure how far you can walk, always look to the ground for change... and telephone boxs sometimes have coins that people leave behind.
I know we are almost pretty much a cashless society but people do still use change. Also check your clothes just in case a jacket or jeans you haven’t worn in a few months has some cash/coin in it.
Check your couch/sofa/car ...
your headaches are from lack of food, I hope your drinking enough water
if you can try to save a few cents or I’m not sure how far you can walk, always look to the ground for change... and telephone boxs sometimes have coins that people leave behind.
I know we are almost pretty much a cashless society but people do still use change. Also check your clothes just in case a jacket or jeans you haven’t worn in a few months has some cash/coin in it.
Check your couch/sofa/car ...
your headaches are from lack of food, I hope your drinking enough water
Spoiledbrat · F
Why can’t you?
Carazaa · F
@Anonymartyr I read your answers, can I pray for you?
Anonymartyr · M
@Carazaa I welcome prayer.
Carazaa · F
@Anonymartyr Almighty God! You are the healer of broken hearts and bodies! You have promised " Ask me anything in my name and I will do it" you healed me and you answer my prayers! I know you can heal Anonymartyr! Give him wisdom what you want him to do! . I know you want first place in our lives with our heart, our mind , our time, and our money! I pray you will heal his heart, his body, and his money situation! Give him Godly loving and supportive people in his life. You are a God of miracles and I have faith you will do this! Thank you for answering this prayer!
In Jesus name, Amen!
In Jesus name, Amen!
Carazaa · F
Why are you not able to stand?
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Anonymartyr · M
@pagandad I cannot afford to buy food, I must live off of the food banks.
Beatbox34 · 31-35, M
Can't you order something from outside?
xixgun · M
And thus, pizza delivery was born!!
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Anonymartyr · M
@Silverwings All 4 programs helping me , my Nurse/practioner and my bone specialist have been trying for over 4 years now. My condition is too extreme and too rare.
Silverwings · 70-79, F
@Anonymartyr What is worse for you, not having any family, the pain you are experiencing in your body, not having enough to eat, or feelings of hopelessness?
Anonymartyr · M
@Silverwings I believe in God so I always have hope.
The worst is not having family. At my income level the only people there are to interact with are crack and crystal meth addicts but they avoid those who don't do those drugs because they are paranoid that non-users are informants for the police. These are the same people making the churches too dangerous for me to go to. If I catch a stray punch in the head I die. The whole city of Windsor is like this. The police only protect the counties where the people who matter live.
The worst is not having family. At my income level the only people there are to interact with are crack and crystal meth addicts but they avoid those who don't do those drugs because they are paranoid that non-users are informants for the police. These are the same people making the churches too dangerous for me to go to. If I catch a stray punch in the head I die. The whole city of Windsor is like this. The police only protect the counties where the people who matter live.