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I Dream Of A Better Future

What's your favorite childhood memory?
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Well I remember it being near Christmas...I was probably 10 or 11..and my mom was in the kitchen baking cookies..and my dad was messing around with the tree..and the Christmas music was playing and the house smelled wonderful and there was this weird glow all around me and I just had this overwhelming feeling of everything in that exact moment being perfect. I've had similar moments but nothing quite like that.
MyPathOfTotality · 46-50, M
I have no memories of my childhood due to trauma. I didn't start gaining any memories until about 12. I remember around the age of 12 or 13 I got this blue and white bike. I loved that bike. I kept it down at my uncle's farm. Every Saturday I would go down there and ride it through the woods and everywhere.
Madeleine · 41-45, F
@MyPathOfTotality This sounds beautiful indeed. I used to love riding bikes as well.
tindrummer · M
Among others one is of my 1st time hiking (going to the high country) in the Sangre de Cristo mountains near Santa Fe with my Father when I was about 12.
Madeleine · 41-45, F
@tindrummer Sounds beautiful indeed. This is probably why you love hiking so much.
Steveinlandsea · 51-55, M
I can't pick just one, but maybe sitting on the sea wall in front of my childhood home fishing with my older brother.
Madeleine · 41-45, F
@Steveinlandsea This one is nice.
Steveinlandsea · 51-55, M
@Madeleine it was a great summer! I was 6, my brother was 18 and it was just before he moved out and got his own place......half way across the state 😞
BearDownChicago · 41-45, M
Going out riding on my bike with my friends throughout the neighborhood. Felt so independent.
Baking Christmas cookies with my Mom, and decorating the Christmas tree with my family.
heavyone2 · 61-69, M
"Going Home" for Christmas. I can't do that anymore, but have fond memories.
DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
Spending Christmases with my grandma. 🥰
Too many to share. Way too many
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monkeysdevil007 · 46-50, M
Touching my cock as I looked under Aunty Paulines skirt

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