KuroNeko · 41-45, F
Singapore noodles, salt and pepper chicken and chocolate.
TexChik · F
Chicken fajita chimichanga with Queso! Yum
SweetMae · 70-79, F
Homemade peppermint patties
Pfuzylogic · M
Has to be chocolate for the moment.
The season has them pretty cheap.
The season has them pretty cheap.
faithfulhusband · C
Fries, kimbap, instant noodles
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
My guilty pleasure, is none of your business.
My comfort food is grapes and chocolate.
My comfort food is grapes and chocolate.
Shpiders · 22-25
Instant noodles, crispy M&Ms, Pringles
Spoiledbrat · F
Chicken burrito with guacamole.

Meatballs and potato salad .....:)

Hot buttered noodles
Hot buttered noodles
Vaping and pizza
A double cheeseburger from maccas
Mondayschild · F
Ice cream
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
Lilnonames · F
French fries as well just ate a bunch also fried chicken